My Mac Transition Is Not Going Well

February 28, 2025

Merch Messages

Hint: Use CTRL + F to search messages in this show, or go back to search merch messages in all shows.
Name Type Text Timestamp Image
Loïk A message Thanks, Loïk A! Hello Wan, Winus and Wuke. Im currently in an engineering program and Al tools have taken over. What impact will Al have on careers that require technical knowledge such as doctors and engineers? Timestamp
Loïk A reply Reply @Loïk A! Hopefully they will become tools and not act as a replacement. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Greetings from Austria =) Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! With the popularity of Framework's new desktop, do you think this is the year we see mini PCs become the next big thing? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! I REALLY hope so Timestamp
Leo B reply Reply @Leo B! We're on a youtubes. And most likely. If it's a thing. Timestamp
Mark A message Thanks, Mark A! What's the outlook on WhaleLAN happening this year? Timestamp
Mark A reply Reply @Mark A! Looking goooo000000000d Timestamp
Joe C message Thanks, Joe C! Hi Mr. Tips, Mr. Birds, and Dan. I gave a fail pen to a co-worker, and now whenever she sees it, she feels like everything will be alright. Do you have any tokens that help you get through the day? Timestamp
Joe C reply Reply @Joe C! I have a little 3D printed crow that gives me joy. I made one for Luke too because BIRD Timestamp
Ben W message Thanks, Ben W! HI L and Dan! In your limited opinion, would the XREAL One Pro from the Fallon Vid be useable as a work monitor? I am a front end DEV and often need a screen where I can't have one. Thanks! And Hi L2 Timestamp
Ben W reply Reply @Ben W! Your message was curated! We will answer it later in the show. Timestamp
Jorn A message Thanks, Jorn A! Hello Vinus, Vuke, and Van. As it's been a coue years since Gen Al smashed onto the scene, does it have any major uses in LTT production? If not, do you see it having a place in your work flow? Timestamp
Jorn A reply Reply @Jorn A! Not much at the moment, but we're planning a local server, and I might become a bit of an Al tsar to try and broaden adoption. Timestamp
Oscar G message Thanks, Oscar G! Hi DLL, my girlfriend Ivana isn't much of a gamer but loves spending time with me. We've just started It Takes Two and she's loving it. What other games would you recommend we check out? Thanks!!! Timestamp
Oscar G reply Reply @Oscar G! I hear BG3 can be an awesome couples game. Timestamp
Joshua D message Thanks, Joshua D! Howdy ya'll! Timestamp
David B reply Reply @David B! Conduit + ethernet Timestamp
Florian M message Thanks, Florian M! Greetings from Germany. I love the products I've gotten so far and I'm looking forward to the commuter backpack once it hopefully moves on from being stuck at "Label created" for a week. Timestamp
Tymofiy O message Thanks, Tymofiy O! Last wan show you talked about keychains. Would you be interested in a keychain doo-dad made from a shot down russian fighter jet? If yes, how do I send it to you? Timestamp
Tymofiy O reply Reply @Tymofiy O! Reach out to our public email! Timestamp
Matt W message Thanks, Matt W! Would Linus Ever try a Garmin Fenix watch? I feel it has what he's been looking for Timestamp
Matt W reply Reply @Matt W! I think so Timestamp
Alan W message Thanks, Alan W! Hey yall! Getting the bolt action pen for my dad's birthday. I wanted to ask Linus what industries he thinks will be most favorable for emerging small businesses to be part of over the next 5 years? Timestamp
Michael T message Thanks, Michael T! Hey DLL, question for Luke: How much of a security risk is Linus still using his Note 9, a device still running Android 10 and that hasn't received a security update for probably more than 2 years? Timestamp
Jeff D message Thanks, Jeff D! Are you using Parallels in your Apple Mac challenge to run Windows apps? Timestamp
Jeff D reply Reply @Jeff D! I think it's Mac pure. Timestamp
Casey B message Thanks, Casey B! Love the content all of you make. Keep it up. Timestamp
Neil A message Thanks, Neil A! Thanks for the free postage to UK!! Any details on the upcoming cables? What types are you doing and will they be all black or will there be coloured edition ones like WAN/ Noctua/ Retro? Timestamp
Neil A reply Reply @Neil A! They will be black, and if they sell well we'll branch out to more most likely. They are USB-C for the start but again more later. Timestamp
Kyle C message Thanks, Kyle C! Hey WAN.dll, I travel a lot for work and have been enjoying using my ROG Ally while in the air. What are your favorite games to play on gaming handhelds that don't need internet? Timestamp
Kyle C reply Reply @Kyle C! I'm still a bit of a Thumper nerd. It's just very easy to have another run. Timestamp
Christian W message Thanks, Christian W! Hey DLL, shoutout from PEI! Bought the backpack a few months ago and its joined me going offshore from Singapore, Cape Town and Brazil. Thanks for the great design; only pack that fits my two PC's! Timestamp
Timothy H message Thanks, Timothy H! For Luke I have been on a weight loss journey for 3 years and Ive lost a total of 45 pounds, Ive been using 2 apps macro factor and RP Hypertrophy app, do you use any apps for working out or tracking? Timestamp
Timothy H reply Reply @Timothy H! I use Macro Factor too! Also samsung's health one for tracking with my smart watch. Timestamp
Michael R message Thanks, Michael R! Hi lld.wan Given how long yall worked together and the seemingly close relationships you have at LMG if you had to move to a new job how hard would it be to get settled in with a new team? Also yacht? Timestamp
Conner C message Thanks, Conner C! Good afternoon, LLD! Any updates on the Mod Mat? Getting a 9950x3d and would like a good chance to use it :) Timestamp
Conner C reply Reply @Conner C! soon.png Based processor choice. Timestamp
Colten K message Thanks, Colten K! Love your merch and WAN SHOW. Timestamp
James L message Thanks, James L! Hi mom, I'm on TV! (My mom doesn't watch this show) Timestamp
James L reply Reply @James L! Mine does. Hi not-James' mom. Timestamp
Simon F message Thanks, Simon F! Hi Linus! I've always loved tech and your video have helped reinforce and develop that over the years. I have a job in sales at an IT company (Ottawa btw) and LTT definitely contributed to that! Timestamp
Jón Grétar H message Thanks, Jón Grétar H! Greetings from Iceland. Thanks for the deal on shipping, shipping anything over here is expansive... and slow, curranty take 14-28 days to get over here Timestamp
Sébastien S message Thanks, Sébastien S! Hi LLD! Being in Quebec, I don't have a lot of opportunities to see you in real life. Did you ever planned to do a tour across Canada (or north America)? Timestamp
Sébastien S reply Reply @Sébastien S! We barely go anywhere. :C Timestamp
BRYAN M message Thanks, BRYAN M! Always love the merch, literally wearing a hoodie right now. Even got my fiancee and my girlfriend LTT merch to match (yes both exist unlike 50 series stock). Timestamp
Riley H message Thanks, Riley H! Hey guys, love my LTT merch. Was excited for the Mod Mat but it looks like it's been delayed? Were there last minute quality issues with it or was there some other issue that popped up? Timestamp
Riley H reply Reply @Riley H! Yeah some issues popped up. Soon. Timestamp
Roland G message Thanks, Roland G! Thanks DLL for being an excellent way to spend a Friday night! Timestamp
Lachlan W message Thanks, Lachlan W! Could a steam deck with a dock be a legitimate replacement for an i5 3570k / RX580 8GB PC that can't get Windows 11 later this year when 10 goes EOL? Wifes PC needs upgrade but would like portability? Timestamp
Lachlan W reply Reply @Lachlan W! If you like windows. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I'm in a small office and everyone has credentials written down and saved in browsers. There are shared accounts, app based programs, and some have apps on their phones. How do I get this secured? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Password manager. 1 password seemed not garbage when I did an investigation on many of them. Not Keeper. Timestamp
Alex r message Thanks, Alex r! Hi Dan how's the Suzuki Capuccino coming I just wanted to say we appreciate you. Yay Tax write offs. Timestamp
Thomas R message Thanks, Thomas R! YESSS SO HAPPY PEN Timestamp
Jeremy A message Thanks, Jeremy A! I keep seeing this lawyer named cyclone(lol) telling me to join his class action lawsuit because you reported on the intel 13th/14th gen debacle. Have you guys seen this commercial? Timestamp
Jeremy A reply Reply @Jeremy A! We don't see commercials Timestamp
TED P message Thanks, TED P! Curious if there's any interest in doing a rundown of how your graphic designers do their work. As a novice in that area I'm interested in ways I can improve my workflow Timestamp
TED P reply Reply @TED P! Just standard stuff. Illustrator. Photoshop. Timestamp
Logan H message Thanks, Logan H! Hey Linus, will the lounge pants ever be coming back? Loved the couple pairs I bought and wanted to order more! Timestamp
Logan H reply Reply @Logan H! Maybe in the future. Timestamp
Joel S message Thanks, Joel S! Keep it up team <3 Timestamp
Daniel V message Thanks, Daniel V! Hi Puke, Poop, and Pan, I'm getting ready for college, and wanted to know if there was an easy and cheap way to generate and use solar power. Jackery batteries and solar panels are kind of expensive. Timestamp
Daniel V reply Reply @Daniel V! Marco Reps has some interesting videos on the topic Timestamp
David S message Thanks, David S! Given everyone's love for hind sight, how good do you think your fore sight has been? Timestamp
David S reply Reply @David S! He can see about fore feet in front of him. It's too hard to predict. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey *.dll, Nextcloud is amazing, have y'all ever thought about switching to it to get away from the problems with google and microsoft? Timestamp
Ryan M message Thanks, Ryan M! LLD! What do you use for windows desktops and mobile devices? Sleep or Hibernate? Timestamp
Ryan M reply Reply @Ryan M! Hibernate every time forever. Timestamp
Angel B message Thanks, Angel B! How did Wan show become a thing? Timestamp
Angel B reply Reply @Angel B! Free LTT instead of having to do 7 Timestamp
Derek H message Thanks, Derek H! I missed the party two shows live but listened to them this week. Two weeks ago you guys mentioned tech train car I work for a company that builds train cars I can be your train guy. Timestamp
Derek H reply Reply @Derek H! Reach out train guy Timestamp
John P message Thanks, John P! Hello Winus, Wuke and Wan. How do you all keep your passion within the industry(tech/socail media), with a lot of negativity being thrown around? Timestamp
John P reply Reply @John P! It's always been this way. Timestamp
Kevin G message Thanks, Kevin G! Man I'm glad I bought the briefs and now buying the towels just in case they're gone as Linus wish I could have bought the reversible jacket too but hey keep making amazing g products Timestamp
Joshua S message Thanks, Joshua S! Luke, do you still have the "Not a Flamethrower"? Timestamp
Joshua S reply Reply @Joshua S! No comment. Timestamp
Jordan S message Thanks, Jordan S! I would like to be a Systems and/or Network Administrator. What can I do in a home lab environment to build my skills? Timestamp
Jordan S reply Reply @Jordan S! Do some crazy networking. :) Make it do something dumb or just be way overpowered. Timestamp
Colin P message Thanks, Colin P! Hey DLL, next month marks 10 years since Future Shop closed. Do you think the same thing will happen to Best Buy? Timestamp
Colin P reply Reply @Colin P! We can only hope. Timestamp
Nickolas C message Thanks, Nickolas C! Keep up the great work! Timestamp
Ryan K message Thanks, Ryan K! I purchased this about 8 months ago along with one of the cable organization kits. The PTM wasn't in the box. I got distracted and never reached out to support. Still worth contacting them? Timestamp
Ryan K reply Reply @Ryan K! YES Timestamp
Manuel B message Thanks, Manuel B! Lpcamm2 feels like it died before it got traction. There was headlines about nvidia pushing socamm with their digits project. Could socamm offer hope for replacing ram? Even framework had to solder it Timestamp
Manuel B reply Reply @Manuel B! I'm scared for soldered new rams but they are getting spicy fast. Timestamp
Ethan G message Thanks, Ethan G! hello wan! :) been watching for a very long time now but never bought anything, just want to say a big thanks for giving us all a fun show to look forwards to every Friday - keep up the good work! Timestamp
Nathan S message Thanks, Nathan S! Please make more women's underwear, I want it all. Timestamp
Nathan S reply Reply @Nathan S! Same Timestamp
Michael F message Thanks, Michael F! hello dan the man. as a fellow former audio engineer i miss being behind a soundboard and was wondering if you did. Timestamp
Michael F reply Reply @Michael F! I miss the board, I don't miss the talent. But I always liked setting up the bands. The shows are the boring bits. Timestamp
Justin M message Thanks, Justin M! Hey DLL, I recently got my homelab started with some ubiquiti equipment. What brands would you recommend for rackmount servers that won't break the bank new, (1 storage and 1 general compute) Timestamp
Justin M reply Reply @Justin M! Depends on what they are. Buy older ones. Timestamp
Hunter C message Thanks, Hunter C! Hello L El and Danny; I know VR gaming is still a bit niche, but could we get a video or labs article on such performance? It's hard to find such info to see what GPU I should match with my headset Timestamp
Hunter C reply Reply @Hunter C! Throw a suggestion to the forum! Timestamp
Christopher C message Thanks, Christopher C! Hoping tariffs remain at bay, I enjoy supporting Canadian companies ^_^ Timestamp
Alexander S message Thanks, Alexander S! I'd buy a lot more, but tall sizes is a must. Please bring them faster, I can't raise my arms over my head with most of the LTT merch! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi Dan <3 Timestamp
Kristofer B message Thanks, Kristofer B! Hey LDL. LTT support refunded me an order when the reason I didn't get it was my own fault. You guys are awesome. Also I normally watch WAN at 1.5 on the VOD. You guys sound high at normal speed. Timestamp
Jeremy P message Thanks, Jeremy P! If we bought both backpacks in the past we should get the backpack pin for free now! #backpackpin'eR Timestamp
Andre N message Thanks, Andre N! Hello Wan.dll any idea when the magnetic chest strap will come back in stock? Keep up the great work. Timestamp
Andre N reply Reply @Andre N! asap Timestamp
Jose V message Thanks, Jose V! Good evening, WAN.dll probably coming back for the vest when the sale goes live, a very nice bday splurge for myself! A question for Linus. How would you approach your son wanting to ride motorcycle Timestamp
Jose V reply Reply @Jose V! Tell them Linus said no. Timestamp
Chandler D message Thanks, Chandler D! Hey DLL, thanks for the sale! Does CW plan on making any anti-surveillance clothing? Timestamp
Chandler D reply Reply @Chandler D! That sounds like a cool idea for support to know about Timestamp
Foster L message Thanks, Foster L! HELL YEA THX 4 THE STUF Timestamp
Zach N message Thanks, Zach N! I forgor to say hi to Linus, Luke, and Dan in my last message, so let me try in this message... hello! Timestamp
Zach N reply Reply @Zach N! HELLO THANK YOU I WAS SAD Timestamp
Mathew R message Thanks, Mathew R! Hello WAN show! Luke has mentioned wanting to stir up more interest in Al and LLMs at LMG - would y'all ever make "How to" content for running models locally? Say, on a Framework Desktop for example? Timestamp
Mathew R reply Reply @Mathew R! That sounds like a job for me Timestamp
Juntian Y message Thanks, Juntian Y! Hi LDL! Linus, asking as a current high school student, how much does a good university matter? Are you stressed at all with regards to your kids? Timestamp
Juntian Y reply Reply @Juntian Y! Depends on the field. None of us really needed school to get where we were but we're outliers. Kids are probably the same. Timestamp
Shane B message Thanks, Shane B! Hello LLD. Timestamp
John B message Thanks, John B! I have watch the show for years and am a OG floatplane subscriber - I work in Financial crimes and was wondering what you think of all these Al programs and banking. Timestamp
John B reply Reply @John B! It's getting pretty scary tbh Timestamp
Connor S message Thanks, Connor S! Thoughts on Alexa+? How about a video about creating your own local LLM voice assistant? Timestamp
Connor S reply Reply @Connor S! I do not like Alexa even minus. Jake might have something cooking Timestamp
Nick D message Thanks, Nick D! Any word on USB cables? Timestamp
Nick D reply Reply @Nick D! soon.png Timestamp
Michael M message Thanks, Michael M! Hello Ild, any plans for more audio/home theater videos? Timestamp
Michael M reply Reply @Michael M! When we have updates! Timestamp
Tyler B message Thanks, Tyler B! Hello DLL: The MCM sale got me to finally pull the trigger. I recently discovered Neuro-marketing and was curious to know, Are there any non-secret marketing techniques you use for Lttstore/YT/FP? Timestamp
Tyler B reply Reply @Tyler B! We barely do marketing properly. Timestamp
Joseph C message Thanks, Joseph C! Dear Neglected Dan, How was Disneyland? Timestamp
Joseph C reply Reply @Joseph C! Fun. :) Timestamp
Malte E message Thanks, Malte E! Well, with those deals and no shipping costs, I just have to order! But the EU taxes still hurt. Are there any plans to make shopping on the LTT Store easier for Europeans? Good Night Timestamp
Malte E reply Reply @Malte E! Not at this time. Timestamp
Matt J message Thanks, Matt J! Hello WAN.DLL from a Mac. I swear Linus is making this harder than it needs to be. :) Timestamp
David G message Thanks, David G! My commuter bag arrived yesterday, it is so comfortable and light, I love it! Timestamp
Dean D message Thanks, Dean D! Hello DLL! Starting a NAS build and choosing an OS. I've tried using TrueNAS, but haven't touched much else. What is your favorite NAS OS? Timestamp
Dean D reply Reply @Dean D! TrueNAS Scale Timestamp
joshua r message Thanks, joshua r! In case the tariff situation changes and this is the last time I can afford to order stuff, can I get Linus, Luke, and Dan to say UwU on stream? Timestamp
joshua r reply Reply @joshua r! UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU UwU Timestamp
Brandon M message Thanks, Brandon M! Thanks for the Tax writeoffs! Timestamp
Andy L message Thanks, Andy L! Hi guys, love the show and this sale. Take my money yet again. Timestamp
Levi G message Thanks, Levi G! Hi LLD, what laptop would you recommend for a student going into business next year, not sure whether to go Mac or PC or Copilot plus? Love the show! Timestamp
Levi G reply Reply @Levi G! Cheap windows. Real world is Windows. Timestamp
William T message Thanks, William T! F orangeman. I dont want to live on this planet anymore. I am going to make my own earth!! With blackjack and hookers! 8=====D Timestamp
Nicholas message Thanks, Nicholas! Free shipping let's gooo! What's your guys favourite sandwiches? Timestamp
Nicholas reply Reply @Nicholas! Cubano. Timestamp
Christopher L message Thanks, Christopher L! Hey LDL. I am currently chasing my bachelor's in cybersecurity. In your opinions what is the most valuable hard and soft skill to have when entering the field? Timestamp
Christopher L reply Reply @Christopher L! Googling. Office politics skills. Timestamp
John B message Thanks, John B! Hello DLL, Do any of you fine gentlemen have any interest in playing the new Monster Hunter game? If so, what build(s) or Monsters are you interested in? I am getting it to play with friends firstime. Timestamp
John B reply Reply @John B! I wanna check it out when I get home! I hear it's great Timestamp
Branden L message Thanks, Branden L! Howdy Gang! Linus, have you considered trying out e/OS on your Note 9 or GrapheneOS on a Pixel when you give up the iPhone? Timestamp
Branden L reply Reply @Branden L! Nope he likes them as he is Timestamp
A A message Thanks, A A! Hey dll. How much tips can a tech tipper tip if a tech tipper could tip techs. Timestamp
AA reply Reply @AA! 17 Timestamp
Devon L message Thanks, Devon L! Hi DLL, curious to your thoughts on a simple solution to the laptop webcam LED hacking problem. Just put the LED indicator and camera on the same power circuit, then they have to turn on together-easy Timestamp
Lucca D message Thanks, Lucca D! Hi future me (podcast listener), question for the mailing team (that's DHL) what's the hardest part of each one of your jobs? Timestamp
Andrew M message Thanks, Andrew M! Hey LTT, love ya guys and all the hard work you and your team does to continue to innovate and create such amazing products! Keep up the great work! Timestamp
Jasmine Elise G message Thanks, Jasmine Elise G! The rare woman. Anyway, I am hoping you have light weight rain resisting jacket or coat in the future. Also, why is there no real nice rain resisting bottom clothing, like rain skirt? Oh well... Timestamp
Jasmine Elise G reply Reply @Jasmine Elise G! I saw something that was kinda nice... Will be a suprise. Timestamp
Fabian D message Thanks, Fabian D! Hey LLD, Thanks for the great videos. What tech evolution are you following the closest? greetings from Germany Timestamp
Fabian D reply Reply @Fabian D! Watching the slow progress of SDXL and other offshoots Timestamp
Gared S message Thanks, Gared S! Awesome job on the expanded variety of Bonus Bin Items! Thanks again! Timestamp
Wayne C message Thanks, Wayne C! Hey DLL, why not one of you do a move to a RX 9070 XT challenge instead of going to the RTX 5090 or staying on whatever Dan and or Luke are currently using? Timestamp
Wayne C reply Reply @Wayne C! I have a 4090 lmao Timestamp
Luke R message Thanks, Luke R! Hey LLD as someone who is interested in cars what is your favorite. I find Porsches are the best. Like the content, keep it up. Timestamp
Luke R reply Reply @Luke R! Mine are some of the weird Japanese concepts. Timestamp
Tim G message Thanks, Tim G! Hey LLD what will come first, Linus beard return or Luke finishing FF6? Also for Luke has playing FF6 made you want to revisit any other retro games he missed? Timestamp
James L reply Reply @James L! I really hope so. But mostly it's an inner ear thing more than anything. Timestamp
Kameron S message Thanks, Kameron S! Hey coming from the show night of my school music where they have replaced most spotlight scenes with movable angle lights. Do you all think that this technology will replace human operated spot light Timestamp
Kameron S reply Reply @Kameron S! Someone still needs to program them but yeah. Reduction in labor Timestamp
Jared W message Thanks, Jared W! Thanks for the great content and quality products. Timestamp
Islam A message Thanks, Islam A! Sad that my 2 previous orders were never delivered. With payment Issues that have never been resolved. I hope this third one is a charm. Timestamp
Islam A reply Reply @Islam A! We'll follow up with you soon. Timestamp
ลุค บ message Thanks, ลุค บ! Any anti-UV stuff?, Thailand sun is very hot (UV index 9+) Timestamp
Andrew N message Thanks, Andrew N! Hey DLL. How are you dealing with all the tariff uncertainty for LTT Store? Timestamp
Andrew N reply Reply @Andrew N! Just keeping on keeping on Timestamp
Kyle P message Thanks, Kyle P! I am getting a Deskpad to play Magic the Gathering and other games. LLD, have any of you ever played MTG, did you enjoy it, do you still play, tried MTG Arena, etc.? Timestamp
Kyle P reply Reply @Kyle P! A few of us do! But more of us are better with our money. Timestamp
Miguel C message Thanks, Miguel C! You make me spend my money. I appreciate it. Timestamp
Michael R message Thanks, Michael R! Hey m8, finally another free shipping to the land down under... Have any of you guys traveled to Australia and if you've ever heard of how bad Australian Network infrastructure is? Timestamp
Michael R reply Reply @Michael R! I'd love to go and yes I do hear it's similar to Canada from population to land mass. Timestamp
Benjamin E message Thanks, Benjamin E! Hi DLL! What do y'all know about ways to make money with 3D Printers? I haven't learned how to CAD beyond TinkerCAD, but would love to find ways to use my new Bambu P1S more and recoup some $$$ Timestamp
Benjamin E reply Reply @Benjamin E! It's hard. Mostly because it scales linearly not exponentially. It's better to learn to make custom things but then you become just an engineer. Timestamp
Jack B message Thanks, Jack B! Thank you so much over the years, I quit my last job and now work as an on field tech for Fujitsu. I am off to Japan soon to go to Holofes, if you can, please have a look at their motion cap hardware Timestamp
Tanner H message Thanks, Tanner H! Can't wait to finally live up to the tech bro image my friends think I'll one day become. Do you all think there is a chance that CDs will make the same resurgence as vinyl? Timestamp
Tanner H reply Reply @Tanner H! It's growing right now actually! Timestamp
Daniel E message Thanks, Daniel E! Hey LDL, love the show and the labs website. However why is there no intel battle mage GPUs on the site? Timestamp
Daniel E reply Reply @Daniel E! Testing Timestamp
Gundox C message Thanks, Gundox C! Oh, WANADA! I recently bought a telescope, currently having a star party now during the planetary parade with the family. What is your most memorable experience of the cosmos? Timestamp
Gundox C reply Reply @Gundox C! Seeing the actual stars for the first time out in the middle of nowhere from a boaty. Light pollution is real thing. Timestamp
DAKSH P message Thanks, DAKSH P! Hey LL and Netflix sound username, what travel destinations are you looking forward to checking out this year? Timestamp
DAKSH P reply Reply @DAKSH P! I wanna go to Vienna so bad Timestamp
Dalton M message Thanks, Dalton M! What was the result of LTTV? Are you guys getting a Samsung channel or something? I liked how it played videos I wouldn't have sought out myself! Timestamp
Dalton M reply Reply @Dalton M! Was just a test for YouTube Timestamp
Lucas S message Thanks, Lucas S! At a hockey game and can't watch live. Been hoping to get a pair of cargo pants Timestamp
Reginald M message Thanks, Reginald M! Hi LLaDos (the cake was a lie). Buying some merch to celebrate submitting the (hopefully) last paper of my AI PhD. What do y'all like to do after completing a big project? Timestamp
Reginald M reply Reply @Reginald M! Start work on another. :) Timestamp
Ben G reply Reply @Ben G! HUGE Needle move. HUGE Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey DLL.EXE, I was wondering if Framework will ever try and make a keyboard pc case with their main board. Be a nice way to use your mainboard as a back up pc. Keep it up and thanks for the videos. Timestamp
Mitchell L message Thanks, Mitchell L! Hey DLL, what games are you looking forward to this year? L Timestamp
Mitchell L reply Reply @Mitchell L! BG3 patch 8 lmao Timestamp
Kendall H message Thanks, Kendall H! happy friday guys! long time listener first time caller, 7900xtx 5900x, finally getting an oled, should i go for 2k or 4k res? 240hz or greater monitors are what im looking at. any recomendations? Timestamp
Kendall H reply Reply @Kendall H! Post on the forum! Timestamp
Zachary O message Thanks, Zachary O! Hi D-L-L, when will the next sticker pack be released? Timestamp
Zachary O reply Reply @Zachary O! Eventually. :C Timestamp
Matthew K message Thanks, Matthew K! Dang. While I was typing my first message the tech vest in XXL sold out hopefully the XL will fit me. Are you restocking that item or is it part of the skew culling? Thanks for the laptop bag though! Timestamp
Matthew K reply Reply @Matthew K! Ask support! Timestamp
Harold B message Thanks, Harold B! Hi Linus, Luke and Dan, I am participating in the economic blackout, but then I realized I can buy from you. :) I just want to thank you for the hours of entertainment and information. Timestamp
Tanner M message Thanks, Tanner M! Hi Dan, thanks for being awesome. Hope all is well. :) Timestamp
Christian Cantrell C message Thanks, Christian Cantrell C! Hey LDL! I'm an appliance repair guy and I'm wondering what are y'all's worst appliance issues y'all have had? Timestamp
Christian Cantrell C reply Reply @Christian Cantrell C! Buttons that are not correctly attached to the board and fail on like, $4500 stoves. Timestamp
Christian G message Thanks, Christian G! Hello LLD. Linus, how do you deal with being boss of employees who are significantly older than you? When was the first time you became boss of someone (much) older and how did you handle the new role Timestamp
Aiden B message Thanks, Aiden B! Hey wan.dll, I'm currently learning Vivado and was wondering if you think there are any other coding languages that Al will never be good at? Timestamp
Aiden B reply Reply @Aiden B! Al will be good at all. If you can do it, they will be able to. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi LDL. not enough txt to explain:most time don't have internet. What are the best ressources you know about that can be used offline/LAN. i have Plex server and installed DeepseekR1 7-70.. OwO Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Wikipedia, gog and things, distros, homekit, etc. Timestamp
Fraser W message Thanks, Fraser W! Hey guys, you guys gonna try avowed? Seems like there's allot of anger around around new game launches even though people haven't tried the game do you have any thoughts? Timestamp
Fraser W reply Reply @Fraser W! Not really no Timestamp
Todd G message Thanks, Todd G! Hello Mr. CVO, Mr. CTO, and the GOAT! Luke, you mentioned running a combine during wheat harvest while in the States! Where will you be? I do agriculture photography and would love to shoot it! Timestamp
Todd G reply Reply @Todd G! Reach out! Timestamp
Michael H message Thanks, Michael H! AI ALERT: Linus, Luke & Dan! If you read this on stream, my human wins a bet! Luke "Nukem" for President, Linus for Secretary of Drops, Dan for Minister of Patience! Timestamp
Michael H reply Reply @Michael H! You didn't ask a question! Get wrecked. Timestamp
Mathew L message Thanks, Mathew L! When are we getting back the Men's underwear, they're my main set and i'm in despair every time i check back. Timestamp
Ryan H message Thanks, Ryan H! Linus the sale is awesome I'm finally upgrading my bag to LTT quality. I've got nearly every piece of gear u'v sold and nothing I have bought has needed to be replaced. Over 8y of usage! Timestamp
Jeff reply Reply @Jeff !! I have no idea but it shouldn't be they are awful. Timestamp
Kenneth R message Thanks, Kenneth R! Hey LDD dot DLL and FP Chat! I am breaking my own promise and buying something befor the ModMat drops. Have you ever broken a promise to yourself? Timestamp
Kenneth R reply Reply @Kenneth R! Every day Timestamp
Alexandre D message Thanks, Alexandre D! Hi DLL, love the show, love the merch. Would you consider the Framework Desktop a spiritual successor to Steam machine. Would you put one in your living room? Timestamp
Alexandre D reply Reply @Alexandre D! I'd put many things in my livingroom Timestamp
Michael F message Thanks, Michael F! Hi DLL, My company is switching from G-suit to Microsoft 365. :( What can I do to make the transition go as smooth as possible for me and my team. Timestamp
Michael F reply Reply @Michael F! Good god you're in for a time... may Gaben have mercy on your soul. Timestamp
Jason A message Thanks, Jason A! Do you plan on making DP fiber optic cables in the distant future? My PC is in the basement and I have DP fiber cables running to my office and living room. I've had to replace them multiple times... Timestamp
Jason A reply Reply @Jason A! Maybe not but probably not Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi LLD!As a bioinfo SWE ive seen many biotech companies use cloud compute instead on-prem solutions with specialized FPGAs.At what scale does it make sense to bite the bullet and build on prem? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! $$$$$$$$$$$ Timestamp
Marcus P message Thanks, Marcus P! Hey LLD, with all of the games being open sourced which games or games from your childhood do you want to be open sourced? Timestamp
Marcus P reply Reply @Marcus P! Einhänder but yeah right. Timestamp
Mikhail D message Thanks, Mikhail D! Hey DLL, free shipping is awesome for us here in the UK. Do it more often pleeease! :D If both privacy and convenience is not possible, which one of the two would you prioritize? Thanks Timestamp
Mikhail D reply Reply @Mikhail D! Convenience. We already live like that. Timestamp
Crystal F message Thanks, Crystal F! Evenin L, Elle, & Dee! While I've been on youtube since '07, I'm constantly struggling to find the motivation to record because of my AuDHD. Any advice since I'm doing it all on my own? Timestamp
Crystal F reply Reply @Crystal F! Just keep doing what you can Timestamp
Daniel F message Thanks, Daniel F! Hey Team. Dan there was a fun brand name snippet in a recent wan show. Checkout why Burger King is called Hungry Jack's in Australia for a laugh. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Mod matt is as real as Half Life 3 Timestamp
Luke W message Thanks, Luke W! Hey LDL, can we get more pink gear/clothing that isn't limited run? Love the pink/lavender blank t-shirts but they always get hidden behind a 3D printed jacket or a button up shirt at work Timestamp
Tyler F message Thanks, Tyler F! Finally able to catch a live WAN show again. What is the difference between Nvidia and AMD GPUs that make Nvidia so much better at Raytracing? Timestamp
James L message Thanks, James L! Hi Mom! (Again, same situation) Timestamp
Liliana M message Thanks, Liliana M! u did custom vpn now a vid for remote game/CAD with that technique(or like plex)missed messages go where?more vids >Exhaustive Detail: setting up monitors/tv/colors etc.NAS.Servers.NETWORKG.Ex 15 aug Timestamp
Juno N message Thanks, Juno N! Hey DLL, I work in the nuclear power sec and with the rise of Al, I have witness the rise of interest in hot rocks boiling water. How do yall think Al will impact power generation as a whole? Timestamp
Juno N reply Reply @Juno N! Going to need more power to keep it running Timestamp
Shannon T message Thanks, Shannon T! Hey DLL; I make dog leads from spliced marine rope (Dan will know) and was wondering who I could contact about supplying LTT Store? Happy to send some for any LMG dogs! Timestamp
Shannon T reply Reply @Shannon T! Reach out to support Timestamp
Dustin H message Thanks, Dustin H! Going to debunk any audiophile stuff anytime soon? Timestamp
Dakota G message Thanks, Dakota G! If no SATA 4, why no u.2 instead on motherboards for expanded storage? M.2 drives waste limited board surface area, they're ok for low profile laptops, but desktop cases have room for mounting drives. Timestamp
Dustin H reply Reply @Dustin H! Not much on the plate Timestamp
Tyler D message Thanks, Tyler D! I've been working on automated performance testing at a AAA game studio for a year: What are you're thoughts on how many AAA games hav performance issues even on ultra premium tear PCs? Timestamp
Tyler D reply Reply @Tyler D! Sadge Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey LLD, LD here from the UK! Found your vids building my 1st PC in 2012-13 years later, I run the IT for a tech company. Cheers for the commuter & screwdriver, my niece loves ABCs of Gaming! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Love the vest, just what I needed for extended winter Timestamp
Eddie S message Thanks, Eddie S! Hey gang. Went snowboarding in 10 deg weather in the dino-bread shirt, my LTT thermal, and ski jacket. I was toasty warm! This is for all 3 of you. What job within LTT would you switch to try & why Timestamp
Eddie S reply Reply @Eddie S! I'm switching to like an ai tsar or something Timestamp
Peter S message Thanks, Peter S! This 50 series launch made me feel really smart picking up a 4080 Super below MSRP last December. Timestamp
Mike D message Thanks, Mike D! Hello Dan, Luke, and Mr. Tech Tips. If it doesn't violate embargo, how is the new AMD card looking compared to an RTX 5080, since those are still unobtanium? Looking to improve from a 3080ti. Thanks Timestamp
Andrew N message Thanks, Andrew N! Just woke up from a nap. Thanks for the email heads up! Timestamp
Tyler H message Thanks, Tyler H! Hello fellow humans. As someones who likes adventuring and the outdoors I was wondering if you would ever consider a sling style backpack? A smaller bag would be nice for long walks, hikes, etc. Timestamp
Robert M message Thanks, Robert M! Any update regarding choosing a bit set we want with screwdriver orders? I really want multiple screwdrivers with different bit sets each, but I don't want to be wasteful by tossing all the defaults. Timestamp
Robert M reply Reply @Robert M! Reach out to support but probnably not. Timestamp
Michael T reply Reply @Michael T! soon Timestamp
Conor H message Thanks, Conor H! Hi longus+dongus. Any plans to do more science deep dives/tours? I am a Coral biologist and work with lots of wacky instruments and love to see a tech enthusiast angle on outdated/unique science kit. Timestamp
Conor H reply Reply @Conor H! I really do hope so we braching out to something more dedicated for that Timestamp
Toby S message Thanks, Toby S! I see the cargo pants, but are there going to be cargo shorts sometime? Timestamp
Toby S reply Reply @Toby S! Depends on sales Timestamp
David M message Thanks, David M! Thanks for the entertainment! I particularly appreciate the honest takes on WAN sho. Timestamp
Dominik K message Thanks, Dominik K! I'm going to wait for GPU prices to go down. I'm plain not willing to pay todays GPU prices. And if that means I'll stop playing games - well done, nVidia. -- thx for free shipping to EU Timestamp
Goran L message Thanks, Goran L! how do you feel about united states goods being taken off the shelf in Canada Timestamp
Goran L reply Reply @Goran L! Good. Timestamp
Ryan K message Thanks, Ryan K! Hey DLL. I've been thinking of getting a framework laptop. (Investment disclosure here) Would now be a good time or should I wait for the new cpu's? Timestamp
Colin S message Thanks, Colin S! Finally, it went on sale. Timestamp
Zachary P message Thanks, Zachary P! Hello Dan, Linus, and Luke! Have you ever bartered your skills or services for something? If so, what's your best deal or most satisfying? Timestamp
Zachary P reply Reply @Zachary P! We trade skills all the time at work Timestamp
Tyler D message Thanks, Tyler D! Hi LDL - with Al upscaling and frame gen boosting performance, are GPUs actually getting stronger or are we just seeing smarter tricks that make them seem faster without real raw power gains? Timestamp
Robert S message Thanks, Robert S! LLD, Hello from Virginia! Do you have a recommendation for software for tracking work orders and invoicing(bio-med/lab work) We are currently using two different softwares and it's becoming a hassle Timestamp
Robert S reply Reply @Robert S! Not really that's a bit outside Timestamp
Tim M message Thanks, Tim M! Hi DLL! Outside of Tech, what do you three "splurge" on? For me it seems to be Friday night LTT Store FOMO. Thanks! Timestamp
Tim M reply Reply @Tim M! Fancy restaurants. Timestamp
Rob B message Thanks, Rob B! Hi DANSHOW, greetings from Australia! Are there any updates on the tall t-shirts coming back? Love the blanks and they are just long enough for me but I do like a longer shirt! Timestamp
Brad L message Thanks, Brad L! Howdy Linus, Dan, and mr. LaFriend Bear. Luke's infuriated outbursts are comedy gold on the show do you have a favorite LaRageBear story to share? Timestamp
Brad L reply Reply @Brad L! ALL of them are special in their own way Timestamp
David G message Thanks, David G! I wonder what percentage of merch messages are asking about 00S merch. I'm glad the 3d down jacket is gone, otherwise I'd have to buy it. Timestamp
David G reply Reply @David G! It says if they are out of stock on the website.......... Timestamp
Matthew Blake B message Thanks, Matthew Blake B! Long time listener, first time mercher. What is y'all's favorite dessert? Timestamp
Matthew Blake B reply Reply @Matthew Blake B! Cheesecake. Timestamp
Paul B message Thanks, Paul B! Hey there Buddy. Why do Canadians seem to find the South Park portrayal of Canadians so funny Friend? The Canadians I know love to quote it all the time. Thanks Guy. Timestamp
Paul B reply Reply @Paul B! Because they are so incredibly accurate. We are all like that. We actually do only have 1 road. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I am not from the USA, but when I order from the LTT Store, I was told that I'm still affected by American tariffs or the delays because the order is routed through the USA. Why does this happen? Timestamp
Virginia S message Thanks, Virginia S! Harrow Wan show! I'm absolutely obsessed with the tye dye hoodie. Would you consider doing dark tye dye again?. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Thanks! You guys are awesome. Timestamp
Zach B message Thanks, Zach B! Hi DLL. Question for Linus, if your life depended on it, would you rather fight 5 Luke sized chickens, or 50 chicken sized Lukes. Timestamp
Zach B reply Reply @Zach B! 5 Luke sized chickens Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Love for Horst!! Timestamp
Sean T message Thanks, Sean T! My son has joined a First Robotics team and his first competition as their Scout Lead is next week. Has anyone at LMG been a part of First or a Robotics Team? Timestamp
Sean T reply Reply @Sean T! We have not! Timestamp
Ryan W message Thanks, Ryan W! Can we get some game developer industry insider videos from Plouffe? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! RBC Avion Rewards demands logins and passwords for third-party banking integration. Is it bad to fish your competitors' customers? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Players gunna play Timestamp
trey j message Thanks, trey j! Hey Dinus Duke and Lan! my First child is going to be here very soon and am so happy the ABCs of gaming is in the bonus bin now I get two things I wanted for the price of one! Advice for new parent?69 Timestamp
trey j reply Reply @trey j! Check out LMG clips. Linus has talked about them a bunch Timestamp
Adam R message Thanks, Adam R! Hi DLL. With the amount of real estate you own have you thought of hiring a Facilities Manager to run your PM's, TI's, repairs, and other work? I would love the job, but I'm a Yank. Timestamp
Adam R reply Reply @Adam R! We don't have thaaaaaaaaaaaat much. Timestamp
Jared S message Thanks, Jared S! Hey DLL, can we get the backstory on why Crab Rave is always used as an audio trial? Timestamp
Jared S reply Reply @Jared S! Terrible joke that won't go away Timestamp
lan D message Thanks, lan D! When can we expect new stickers from Sarah? Keep up the great work; I know the team is under a lot of pressure right now but it is appreciated. Timestamp
lan D reply Reply @lan D! One day Timestamp
Sean M message Thanks, Sean M! Linus, why do you like to fire sale items on the store? Any reason you dont so more gradual sale to see what the market bares. Timestamp
Sean M reply Reply @Sean M! Removes sku bloat. Timestamp
Zane H message Thanks, Zane H! Hey gang, question on LTTStore clothing: What goes into determining the care instructions? Some (like the blanks) say to lay flat to dry, which is counterintuitive to me since I.M.E. they're v hardy! Timestamp
Zane H reply Reply @Zane H! How the garment is constructed and it's types of threads. Timestamp
Cole M message Thanks, Cole M! Hey, LDLDLDL! Been a longtime viewer but am only now a first time purchaser! Sadly I'm also a 0-time LTX attender! Is there any chance that it could be coming back, even if its in the distant future? Timestamp
Cole M reply Reply @Cole M! Maybe... Timestamp
Christopher D message Thanks, Christopher D! Hi DLL Im a SMT eng My SR eng quit leaving behind ISO/AS9100 fraud, that i had to fix. 4 months go by hes returning & my manager is not listening to evidence. LTT PCB production when? I got creds Timestamp
Edwin L message Thanks, Edwin L! I just recently got into painting miniatures and playing 40K. Aside gaming what other hobbies do you guys currently have? Are there any hobbies you want to get into? Timestamp
Edwin L reply Reply @Edwin L! I'm doing a bunch of game dev right now. Would really like to get into motorsport. Timestamp
David D message Thanks, David D! Hey DLL, how do you keep yourself from becoming pessimistic? It seams hard to stay excited with all the different scandals and slower pace of generational tech. Timestamp
David D reply Reply @David D! We're always pessimistic. Means we're never dissapointed. Timestamp
Chris H message Thanks, Chris H! The medium because I want inspiration, the Large because I know what covid and work from home let me do to myself... Timestamp
Ciaran F message Thanks, Ciaran F! Luke and Dan, will you be using the Ubiquiti UniFi enterprise campus aggregation instead of those dell switches now that it's out? or do you still prefer the dell switches for the core. Timestamp
Ciaran F reply Reply @Ciaran F! Probably not. The dells are rock solid Timestamp
Christopher F message Thanks, Christopher F! Hey DLL! Any tips for what looks best on a résumé for a CS nerd coming out of college? I feel comfortable with interviews but feel like my résumé may not be tech- focused enough Timestamp
Christopher F reply Reply @Christopher F! No idea. We haven't done resumes in forever Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Thanks for the many years of entertaining and informative videos. The work is appreciated by many like me who quietly lurk. Timestamp
Gabriel D message Thanks, Gabriel D! Hey DLL! Huge fan of the show, learned English thanks to LTT vids, now working as a software dev. Any updates for the ratcheted LTT's screwdriver bit holder? Timestamp
Jared C message Thanks, Jared C! Can't wait for my button up shirt! Timestamp
Christian L message Thanks, Christian L! Hey DLL. I'm writing a paper on the environmental impacts of Al. Was curious is you guys had any thoughts on its impact or how industry use could change to add or detract from that impact. Timestamp
Christian L reply Reply @Christian L! It will take what it needs, and it can't be stopped because the owning country will lose the nuclear arms race we're in right now. Build them more nuclear plants. Now. Timestamp
joe b message Thanks, joe b! Will we be getting more pins anytime soon. Congrats on 1m orders here is another one. Timestamp
Brant C message Thanks, Brant C! Hey Dan, Luke and Linus. Long time listener first time merch message. Linus, when was the last time you got royally mad at everyone and why? Also come to Australia we love you guys. Timestamp
Eric H message Thanks, Eric H! Hey you! Timestamp
Michael D message Thanks, Michael D! How worried is Creator warehouse about potential loss of business due to tariffs? Anything be done? Open US warehouse? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey DLL, not a question but please make a thin and light zip up hoodie. I missed out on the indoor hoodie and its probably the closest thing ive found anywhere to what i need in life. #privilege Timestamp
Michael E message Thanks, Michael E! Hey Dan.LLD how do you all feel about Apple's new Age Assurance program for parents to put in their kids birthday when setting up a new account. Timestamp
Ryan C message Thanks, Ryan C! Plan on traveling to tokyo japan. This will make carrying everything around much easier! Timestamp
Ryan C reply Reply @Ryan C! I wanna go! Timestamp
Neal M message Thanks, Neal M! Now light our darkest hour! Timestamp
Jon C message Thanks, Jon C! Hey LLD, I just tried to order a bunch of stuff but by the time I checked out, some of it was already sold out. Any chance you would implement a reserve system where it's saved for 15 minutes in cart? Timestamp
Noah G message Thanks, Noah G! Hey LLD! I recently got my iPhone's back glass fixed & got it back with smudges in between the back camera & the glass. Im curious what would you do with this result? Wait 3 more hours or live with it Timestamp
Noah G reply Reply @Noah G! Yeah be angry Timestamp
Lachlan D reply Reply @Lachlan D! It's all funding Timestamp
JI message Thanks, JI! Seen my first LTT segue on Big Time earlier this week. Will LTT branch out into the Automotive scene more in the future, like a collaboration or more direct LTT content? Timestamp
Ethan I message Thanks, Ethan I! Hey DLL, I'm a Student Reactor Operator and was wondering your thoughts on the impact of Al on the nuclear industry. On one hand I don't love the negatives of Al, but the push for nuclear is great! Timestamp
Ethan I reply Reply @Ethan I! More power! Timestamp
Brian D message Thanks, Brian D! What was the most difficult item to procure for a video? Timestamp
Brian D reply Reply @Brian D! Like an entire REDACTED Timestamp
Philip M message Thanks, Philip M! When you do Scrapyard Wars again, make the teams earn their build's money based on purchases on LTTStore for products that they have to design with Creator Warehouse! Donate some of the profits! Timestamp
James J message Thanks, James J! Hey LLD, curious how many people you interact with use MacOS/iOS? The "ecosystem" and device continuity was great for collaboration in college. Has that been enjoyable at least? RIP MacOS eGPU support Timestamp
James J reply Reply @James J! We have 2 at work and it's too many Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I apologize for the idiocy running America right now. I did not vote for insecure orange man idiot. Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! I blame you specificially. Timestamp
Muke M message Thanks, Muke M! I want the luxe back pack back, I will pay double. Also this money could of went towards tinting my golf. Timestamp
Eric H message Thanks, Eric H! Hi LLD! I was lucky enough to land an EE job at SpaceX out of college. While the job is challenging as expected, I find that the busyness makes it difficult to grow my engineering skills. Thoughts? Timestamp
Kevin S message Thanks, Kevin S! Want to thank you guys. I been off and on for the 5 years watching your videos. Also i been working on going into IT. What in your opinion would be best certifications for networking. Timestamp
Kevin S reply Reply @Kevin S! We don't care much for them around here Timestamp
Zachary T message Thanks, Zachary T! Hello LLD. What's the difference between Computer science and computer engineering and which one is better to study in college. Timestamp
Zachary T reply Reply @Zachary T! Science - Why do computers make do the thinky? How thinky more better? Engineering - How make the computer do the thinky? How make thinky more better? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! .DLL If you could have any "complete collection" of a game series all released on PC, (like MCC) what would it be? Mine would be Racket and Clank. Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! THat. Yes good choice. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Sup, LDL? Any plans to update the mens underwear? I have the LTT ones but my most comfortable pairs are (now discontinued) Jockey brand ones. Happy to send them to the lab (washed) to reverse engineer Timestamp
Joshua B reply Reply @Joshua B! The tech around audio engineering is actually WAY more transferrable than making the audio sound goodly. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Any plans for a rain cover for the commuter? Timestamp
Binyamin S message Thanks, Binyamin S! Hello, Lan, Duke, and Linus! With the recent AMD Price Drop Bombshell, how do you think NVIDIA will respond? Cut their prices? Try and increase supply? Or do they simply have bigger Al fish to fry? Timestamp
Binyamin S reply Reply @Binyamin S! They will laugh. Timestamp
Joshua L message Thanks, Joshua L! I have nothing to say, I just want to see my name pop up on WAN show! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi LLD, considering the pricing of the recent AMD graphics cards and the possible improvements to FSR, do you think it will be enough for AMD to gain more market share this generation? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Probably only at the low end Timestamp
Gregory P message Thanks, Gregory P! Dear LLD: Love you guys, thanks for everything you do. S Timestamp
Jason A message Thanks, Jason A! Hey DLL, Linus asked earlier, "What does hope even do for you?" Apparently not much, as I've been waiting since last summer for the bomber jacket to come back in stock. Any idea when it will be back? Timestamp
Alex L message Thanks, Alex L! This laptop sleeve deal is insane Timestamp
Philip S message Thanks, Philip S! Hi gang! What do you think of Bazzite as an alternative to steamOS. It was briefly mentioned in your steamos video but then not brought up again. Seems to be everything you are wanting steamOS to be. Timestamp
Philip S reply Reply @Philip S! I want Gaben in my computer Timestamp
Kevin P message Thanks, Kevin P! Hello Daniel, Lucas, and Linus-abeth. Just had a company retreat and received many compliments on the screensaver shirts. Do you have any tricks for remembering people that you only see infrequently? Timestamp
Kevin P reply Reply @Kevin P! Pneumonic can help. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Linus, you've said that the standard of the channel always has to be to your standard, but what if you die? How would you ensure that to still be true? Or would you let other staff of LMG redefine it? Timestamp
Anthony S message Thanks, Anthony S! G'day Linus Luke and Dan, is there any chance of getting a Ballpark Currency Cost conversion LTTStore? Like show $100 USD ( -$162 AUD) for items/checkout. Timestamp
Giles P message Thanks, Giles P! Hi LLD! Are they any channel superfan videos planned this year (they are always hilarious)? Also is there any update on game linked? Thanks for all your hard work and enjoyment you and LTT give us all Timestamp
Jonathan A message Thanks, Jonathan A! Hey LLD, long time fan, love what you guys do. Congrats on the Shopify Gold, here's another purchase to the next level. Question, will more 200mm x 160mm PTM7950 pad be available soon? Timestamp
Jonathan A reply Reply @Jonathan A! Depends on if the store says sold out or won't be restocked. Timestamp
Mike M message Thanks, Mike M! are any non hooded sweaters on the way, missing classics like the waffle one. And don't forget the long shirts Timestamp
Eugene E message Thanks, Eugene E! Yesterday I ordered each driver and bit sets. Today I ordered stick locks and PTM7950 to ask Linus this question: is there a chance that a screwdriver/bit case will be released like the presision set? Timestamp
Chase G message Thanks, Chase G! "... in case your narcissistic CEO has to have one at his own house." eeeeekk... Freud strikes Linus again and Terren is catching strays ;) happy Friday gents! Timestamp
Jason T message Thanks, Jason T! Hello DLL, I've always wondered about why ball mouse got phased out. I remember when optical mouse first came out I thought to my self wow is this a scam? why can't I use it on glass surface anymore? Timestamp
Jason T reply Reply @Jason T! I still have a Kensington ball. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Is super fun ever coming back? I also very much enjoyed when the show was from 'the house' Timestamp
Alma Galmidi G message Thanks, Alma Galmidi G! Hello wan.dll, Are there any collabs on the way? I love the kallmekris and the ludwig collabs, and really enjoy the floatplane extras that we always get on floatplane Timestamp
Alma Galmidi G reply Reply @Alma Galmidi G! Not to my knoledge. Timestamp
Drew S message Thanks, Drew S! Hey LLD, fellow home theater enthusiast here. Im constantly battling the ever- frustrating HDMI CEC (Cant Even Control). Any tips? Will it ever get better? Do I just need to buy an old Harmony (RIP)? Timestamp
Sheldon M message Thanks, Sheldon M! Hi Dan, Luke, & Linus. Thanks for the write-off sale and free shipping! I'm intrigued about Framework's desktop, will there be a deeper dive or review? Timestamp
Sheldon M reply Reply @Sheldon M! Not sure Timestamp
RAFAEL M message Thanks, RAFAEL M! Hello Linux, Danbian & TempLukeOS! Collecting gift cards until I can get a screwdriver. Who writes the one liners that appear after the intro in the videos? Do you have a favorite past oneliner? Timestamp
George C message Thanks, George C! Hey Luke, Linus, And Dan! Hope your're all doing well. Just got my SecretLabs Titan Evo, a new desk, now I need a Deskpad to go with my AMD Ryzen Cpu Pillow, Stealth Hoodie, and Stealth water bottle. Timestamp
Carl H reply Reply @Carl H! Them to sell better Timestamp
Steve M message Thanks, Steve M! Ordering another scribe pen because I like it but the bolt action is always in the way. Needs to be moved anther 90. away from the clip. Timestamp
Kyle B message Thanks, Kyle B! There have been rumors that the Switch 2 is ditching the OLED screen to return to LCD. Would you rather have the original with the OLED or the Switch 2 with LCD? Timestamp
Kyle B reply Reply @Kyle B! Why not both Timestamp
Patrick S message Thanks, Patrick S! Hey WANdell I'm seeing a lot of the new GPU reviews from other outlets dropping production benchmarks and focusing solely on gaming. Are they more difficult or time consuming? Timestamp
Patrick S reply Reply @Patrick S! Yes they are Timestamp
Jayden H message Thanks, Jayden H! Meoew Dug, Lanyard, and [REDACTED]. What do you miss about the 'old' days of hardware aesthetics? I have an ATI GPU sitting on my desk to remind me of better, happier times. Timestamp
Jayden H reply Reply @Jayden H! The insane character art Timestamp
Charles B message Thanks, Charles B! why don't other people host tech linked? I really liked the randomness of having other hosts on it from time to time. Is it a scheduling thing? lack of interest? opportunity cost? or something else? ㅁ Timestamp
Charles B reply Reply @Charles B! They are busy with others it seems and also people are very mean Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Luke, Dan, what's your Squat/Bench/Deadlift? Power lifter working in tech, would love to get a lift in. 645/445/550. Timestamp
Troy D message Thanks, Troy D! Our estranged grandma passed Monday. When my dad told me, he said, word for word, "mum died". About 30s later, he realised I thought MY mum passed away. LLD, what is your biggest communication mishap? Timestamp
Chin Xian C message Thanks, Chin Xian C! Is there any ongoing plan to have a new backpack / redesign which has a laptop compartment that fits FW16 with dGPU attachment? Timestamp
Chin Xian C reply Reply @Chin Xian C! No Timestamp
Mattie W message Thanks, Mattie W! < Timestamp
Mattie W reply Reply @Mattie W! 3> Timestamp
Chris C message Thanks, Chris C! I'm so excited for more devices with chips like the Max 395+! Absolutely loved seeing framework managed to work one into their new desktop! :D Timestamp
johny l message Thanks, johny l! birthday present for me Timestamp
Matt P message Thanks, Matt P! I keep seeing comments on reviews for phones like the iPhone 16e saying "Only 60HZ in 2025." Do you feel that gamers care too much about things the regular user does not? Timestamp
Matt P reply Reply @Matt P! Most people don't care about the same things others do. These companies do market assessment. Timestamp
Kelly P message Thanks, Kelly P! Some companies make Windows sleep efficient why can't others? i.e My GPD Win4 sleeps with minimal power usage when I press the power button. Will you have more women's undergarments? I love them! Timestamp
Kelly P reply Reply @Kelly P! Effort Timestamp
Hassan A message Thanks, Hassan A! Hello Wan Show, what are some memorable gifts, received or given. For me, I got my brother a ps5 for his birthday, the funny part is that the first one was stolen (the delivery driver took it) Timestamp
Jarrett E message Thanks, Jarrett E! Linus - you mentioned a plan to ban the small minority of customers at the badminton center who were booking and cancelling appointments excessively. Did you go through with it, and did it help? Timestamp
Jarrett E reply Reply @Jarrett E! Lots Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey DLL, when enough RX 90 GPUs get downbinned, would there be a dGPU market for laptops or mini PCs, even with the 8050/605 existing? Not everyone will buy a 10- 16 core CPU with those iGPUs. Timestamp
Eli B message Thanks, Eli B! Are mini PCs with processors like the ryzen ai 9 hx 370 viable for LLMs, or is the memory not like "unified?" There are pre-orders for such PCs with SODIMM memory, I'm considering one for local LLMs Timestamp
Eli B reply Reply @Eli B! Check out some of the reddits and other forums Timestamp
Kameron D message Thanks, Kameron D! Hey Linus, try changing the cursor size and color. Hint: the setting is not where you think it should be. Timestamp
Artim R message Thanks, Artim R! Hello Linus Luke and Dan, I have applied to over 250 internship positions and still have had no luck. What are your best tips to staying motivated when you see no results. Thanks Timestamp
Artim R reply Reply @Artim R! No idea. Do you want it? If so continue. Timestamp
Dominic R message Thanks, Dominic R! In before it's over Timestamp
Michael B message Thanks, Michael B! Showed my Brother your store, he ended up buying a boat load of things! but he wanted this laptop bag but was sold out at time. Thanks for the restock! Keep up the good work! Timestamp
Derek S message Thanks, Derek S! I'm going to use this tax write off pen to write off some taxes. Thanks! Timestamp
Kieran H message Thanks, Kieran H! Luke, loved meeting you at ZTW! Was the free shipping on larger orders planned for today previously? I buy more to reduce shipping $/item, which results in larger orders. Orig: pres srcw set Now: $200 Timestamp
Kieran H reply Reply @Kieran H! Not sure it's probably new only Timestamp
Kevin N message Thanks, Kevin N! Dan what's the silliest networking shenanigans youve performed? Timestamp
Kevin N reply Reply @Kevin N! I held some cat5 together with bits of green onion tied around it Timestamp
David D message Thanks, David D! What awesome-sounding sci-fi tech do you think would be a nightmare in real life? Timestamp
David D reply Reply @David D! Sentient knives Timestamp
Jonathan Y message Thanks, Jonathan Y! Bought a M2 Mac Mini to use as a glorified terminal for remoting to my work VDI and for doomscrolling... WHY THE F*#& DO I HAVE TO BUY AN APP TO CONTROL AUDIO SOURCES SEPARATELY?!? Timestamp
Brady B message Thanks, Brady B! Hey .dll? It seems like any tech project is content for Linus but is there anything Luke or Dan wishes they could make a video? Linus what video do you wish you didn't make? Timestamp
Brady B reply Reply @Brady B! I would like to make a video on what Linus wants. :) Timestamp
Michael S message Thanks, Michael S! Excitedly waiting for the Yoga Pants. Is there an ETA? Timestamp
mario m message Thanks, mario m! Hello Linux, Slick and Tech hater, first time caller, have there been more fun and silly company purchases like Lucky the Dragon? Also has Lucky ever caused problems? also tall size when? Timestamp
mario m reply Reply @mario m! A badminton center. Timestamp
Max B message Thanks, Max B! modmat wen?? Timestamp
Nikhil N message Thanks, Nikhil N! Hey DLL, I like the regular screw driver but have you considered a version with bi- directional drive? IE handle turns either direction, bit turns one direction. My cheap Kobalt does this and I love it Timestamp
Nikhil N reply Reply @Nikhil N! That's mindblowing Timestamp
Anna N message Thanks, Anna N! Are there plans to make more women's clothing? I like the button-downs and other unisex shirts, but I find it sometimes unfortunate they don't fit as well as they could! (I still love my sweatpants!) Timestamp
Anna N reply Reply @Anna N! Yes it just doesn't sell well Timestamp
Lucas C message Thanks, Lucas C! What finger do you use to pick you nose? Timestamp
Lucas C reply Reply @Lucas C! Big toe Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hello DLL! During last week there was talk about how no one does the finger heart thing, but did you know there is an emoji for it? With love Timestamp
Lance E message Thanks, Lance E! Hey LLD, video idea! "Instead of a GPU, buy a monitor!" compare the visual upgrade between upgrading to a 5080 vs upgrading to a QD OLED Timestamp
Lance E reply Reply @Lance E! What about second gpu Timestamp
Mike G message Thanks, Mike G! Are any of your spouses in love with tech that you hate? Timestamp
Mike G reply Reply @Mike G! Smart speakers Timestamp
Jacqueline S message Thanks, Jacqueline S! From America, I just wanted to let you know I teach electronics and troubleshooting for adults and I reference your videos to help them relate. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Letting my husband know we're pregnant with our first kiddo with The ABC's of Gaming book + the controller plushy, so excited!! Timestamp
Vinicius L message Thanks, Vinicius L! Loved the framework video this week, the desktop was a great surprise! How is it better than a similarly priced PC in your opinion? Timestamp
Austin K message Thanks, Austin K! Love the show guys. Excited for the 9070/XT coverage coming up. Timestamp
Dave L message Thanks, Dave L! Hey DLL! Replacing my screwdriver I lost in a customer's attic insulation. Fellow HA user and long time Inovelli fan. Looking forward to the official switch release and your install and feedback. Timestamp
AJ O message Thanks, AJ O! Are there plans for LTT store to get better about stock communication? It sucks not knowing if something is going to be removed foreve vs just being temporarily out of stock (which is fine). Timestamp
AJ O reply Reply @AJ O! Ask support. Probably not. Timestamp
Robin D message Thanks, Robin D! Ya'll got me with the marketing email. I was waiting for an excuse to get the precision screwdriver and the bonus book for my 9mo old daughter made me pull the trigger. Thanks! Timestamp
Mike M message Thanks, Mike M! Good evening all, I hope the scribedriver lives up to the hype. I'm very picky about pens. My question to you all, what is the dumbest mistake you have done that has never made it on camera? Timestamp
Mike M reply Reply @Mike M! Be on camera... Timestamp
Nicolas P message Thanks, Nicolas P! Hey Dinus Duke and Lan, first time LTT purchaser! Are you all planning on coming out with more color ways for the screwdriver? Hope y'all are well! :) Timestamp
Nicolas P reply Reply @Nicolas P! Not right now Timestamp
Kasey C reply Reply @Kasey C! Some weird tiny thing with an orange screen Timestamp
Alex W message Thanks, Alex W! I love my commuter backpack, but I am being forced to love myself with so much more capacity than my last bag. Any possibility of an even smaller backpack? Timestamp
MICHAEL F message Thanks, MICHAEL F! Evening Gents, What is something that you could yolo leak to us that you haven't yet. Love you guys! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey LLD, you have mentioned using password managers before and I was wondering what ones you used? Also any other easy security tools and tips you think more people need to make use of? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! We used Lastpass and then Keeper and we hate them both Timestamp
Andrew R message Thanks, Andrew R! How do you see LTT Labs influencing the way manufacturers market their products in the future? Timestamp
Kadur A message Thanks, Kadur A! Hi Linus and Luke. If you had to pick only one game to play for the rest of your life, what would it be? Timestamp
Kadur A reply Reply @Kadur A! Anno Timestamp
Mark R message Thanks, Mark R! Hi LLD! Big fan of the show and the channel since way back. You inspired me to learn more about computers and build my own! I use your tools in HVAC controls work daily! Keep up the great work! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hello all, have some kids getting into computers. When do you get them individual computers versus having them use yours. Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! ASAP. They break they fix Timestamp
Matthew W message Thanks, Matthew W! Hey guys I know it was mentioned (a while ago) about big and tall sizes the current tshirt blanks don't fit me as well as the old American apparel and I just can't buy cool shirts anymore thanks :) Timestamp
cam h message Thanks, cam h! Hi LLD, I love bringing my giant LtT water bottle to play airsoft and ended up running into a fellow fan with his own LTT bottle. If you could design any product with LTT quality what would it be/why? Timestamp
Anthony J message Thanks, Anthony J! I run a 14700K, 192GB DDR5, and a 5090 but still run into system hangups(long calc times) with extremely large datasets in Excel. Do you have any suggestions, threadripper maybe? I don't use databases Timestamp
Brian B message Thanks, Brian B! Hey DLL, hope all is well. Hopefully all this drama can go away so it dosnt hurt mthe eventual Modmat launch... Timestamp
Nathan G message Thanks, Nathan G! Do you think upgrading from a Rx6800 to the 9070XT is worth it, or should I wait one more Gen? Timestamp
Andre B message Thanks, Andre B! Thank you Dan for reading all these messages. Timestamp
Andre B reply Reply @Andre B! I got you bb Timestamp
Alex V message Thanks, Alex V! If it's not too late, can there be a hidden waistband pocket of the women's leggings to store an ID card/cash? Also, why can't I use a gift card on an order that contains a gift card + physical items? Timestamp
Alex V reply Reply @Alex V! Let support know your suggestion Timestamp
Samuel T message Thanks, Samuel T! Hi DLL, the recent earthquake in Vancouver finally got me to refresh my emergency kit. What tech products would you put into your kit? What tech would you take with you in a natural disaster? Timestamp
Samuel T reply Reply @Samuel T! I'd probably put that space man ice cream stuff so I can at least giggle to myself while I'm dying in the big one. Timestamp
Corbin B message Thanks, Corbin B! First purchase as a long time fan. Glad to be able to support the best tech channels on YouTube! Been binge watching the past couple days while I've been sick Timestamp
Liam K message Thanks, Liam K! Hey Linus luke and Dan! I love your products, but they're always out of stock. I could buy a gift card, but I am dying to give you my money specifically for products I want. Pls explain. Thanky Timestamp
Matthew L message Thanks, Matthew L! Hi Linus, can you update us on how your workflow has changed since Terren joined? Has it worked out the way you hoped? What specifically have you been able to spend more and less time on? Timestamp
Michael H message Thanks, Michael H! new sticker pack when? Timestamp
Julian C message Thanks, Julian C! Hey Dan, will you ever do your own videos on audio engineering? Or even ai guide videos. I would like to make 3090 work for more than game cube emulation and YouTube. Timestamp
Julian C reply Reply @Julian C! No. Every time I open my mouth the internet descends upon me and reminds me how dumb I am. I no longer give thoughts or opinions or say I know things as it upsets people. Timestamp
Kenneth L message Thanks, Kenneth L! Been a fan since 2012. I keep seeing nostalgic references in your video layouts lately. Was this an internal choice or that of audience members? Timestamp
Kenneth L reply Reply @Kenneth L! Might just be a vibe Timestamp
Steven S message Thanks, Steven S! Hi LLD, will there be a chance AMD makes higher tier 9070-family cards if the 9070XT sells like hotcakes? Love the show and all that you do. Timestamp
Steven S reply Reply @Steven S! They might not handle fame well Timestamp
KALEB L message Thanks, KALEB L! Hey LLD as I play Ocarina of Time for the nostalgia. do you guys have a comfort game that your have return too? Timestamp
KALEB L reply Reply @KALEB L! I really like Einhänder Timestamp
Matthew J message Thanks, Matthew J! I missed LTX 23 and was bummed to not see it last year. Will it be making a return? Timestamp
Kai M message Thanks, Kai M! Great sale! Timestamp
Collin R message Thanks, Collin R! I will use this only to sign my checks to pay my rent, but i bet it will be comfortable to do so. Timestamp
Connor H message Thanks, Connor H! Hi LLD, first time buying anything from LTT STORE.COM! What's the best way to find the shortcomings in my PC parts? Which pieces to replace first? Timestamp
Connor H reply Reply @Connor H! Bottle neck identification is very complicated. Depends on the task. Timestamp
Aidan C message Thanks, Aidan C! Hi LLD, greeting from down under. I'd love to see some more content like the all-in- one TV and custom home sound system - anything like this on the cards? Timestamp
Kalyn S message Thanks, Kalyn S! Ready to serve in my LTT merch. Timestamp
Cam B reply Reply @Cam B! Henlo! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Any thoughts on OnePlus's 'meda in china' typo response? Timestamp
Lisa S message Thanks, Lisa S! Getting into retro console modding lately, what are the odds of getting more retro content from someone like David, or Emily? Also, rooting for you all to figure out a way to do more women's stuff! Timestamp
Lisa S reply Reply @Lisa S! Doesn't preform well sadly. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Bothering DAN & the gang lol. Timestamp
Anthony S message Thanks, Anthony S! Tax right off, let's go! Timestamp
Drake C message Thanks, Drake C! help I am redoing my dad's networking setup right now and it is going very badly I think he might kill m Timestamp
Casey N message Thanks, Casey N! Now you know, and Knowing is Half the Battle! GI JOE!!!!!! Timestamp
Joshua M message Thanks, Joshua M! Hello Dan and the talent Timestamp
Erik W message Thanks, Erik W! I got six mystery hoodies! This way I can take the ones I like most and sacrifice the others to my girlfriend. Timestamp
Shawn-Michael W message Thanks, Shawn-Michael W! YouTube recently announced they're making changes to limit manually added mid roll ads to make them less intrusive and increase watch time. They say this should increase creator ad revenue. Thoughts? Timestamp
Shawn-Michael W reply Reply @Shawn-Michael W! They pay bad anyway. Timestamp
Rob L message Thanks, Rob L! All the MacOS gripes show is how we need a legitimate 3rd party contender for a desktop/laptop OS (that the general public doesn't need to learn terminal to use). Timestamp
Ryan B message Thanks, Ryan B! Hello Dan Show feat. Linus & Luke! Is there anything tech related that you wish you had "Ignorance is Bliss" with? With less knowledge you'd enjoy more? Timestamp
jason M message Thanks, jason M! what is your favorite soup? Timestamp
Nathaniel M message Thanks, Nathaniel M! Hi Linus, Luke, and Dan! My work place ordered 20 dell-all-in-ones. After a month, all units delivered were doa. Do any of you have stories of similar issues of doa products in large quantities? Timestamp
Nathaniel M reply Reply @Nathaniel M! Got a batch of speakers for smash champs with that Timestamp
Kirk S message Thanks, Kirk S! Morning peoples. As a Lampy by profession I have always wondered if you have a central control location (console) for your studio lighting or if it's done via apps? If it is a console which one? Timestamp
Juan V message Thanks, Juan V! AHHHHHH THEY SELLLINNN LIKE CAKESSSS Timestamp
Chad B message Thanks, Chad B! Hey Luke, is there anything on the roadmap to add PIP support for the floatplane app on IOS? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey y'all! My eyesight is god awful; how do you feel about accessibility features in games over the last few years? (Example, the Final Fantasy 16 camera aiming feature for quest objectives) Timestamp
Joshua G message Thanks, Joshua G! So Excited Timestamp
Indra S message Thanks, Indra S! Thanks for all the good content! Excited for all the new cards but hurting with the availability... Timestamp
Kevin c message Thanks, Kevin c! Whatever happened to wall mounted cases? Is it a fear of the weight new gpus add that those phased out? Timestamp
Morgan J message Thanks, Morgan J! Hey LLD! Any update on the socks? Love what you do. If you're ever down under I owe you a cork hat Timestamp
John R message Thanks, John R! Don't have a question but love what you guys do. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Obligatory Minus, Nuke, Pan intro. Linus, what kind of games do your children play? It doesn't have to be video games. Also, do you encourage good sportsmanship in the games they play? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Minecraft/fortnite Timestamp
Peter R message Thanks, Peter R! Hi Gents and greeting from Aus. What are some of the challenges in creating a google TV/Android TV floatplane app? Timestamp
Peter R reply Reply @Peter R! Team member bandwidth Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Any updates on the leggings? Much excite. I thought the project had died before y'all announced it was back. Timestamp
Nathaniel A message Thanks, Nathaniel A! Hi WAN 3, thank you (: You all are how I keep tech informed :) Timestamp
Rickie G message Thanks, Rickie G! Evening L,l,d. Does your diverse audience often cross your mind? Gen X police officer from Miami, FL here. I use my backpack for work, fits various items very well, my commuter bag arrives Wednesday! Timestamp
Rickie G reply Reply @Rickie G! People are nice. :) Timestamp
Andrew L message Thanks, Andrew L! Tried to hold out for Tall, but my inner tech bro was too strong Timestamp
Max G message Thanks, Max G! Got a regular screwdriver loved it and wanted the precision finally got one! The regular is great for working on firearms and the precision looks like it will be as well. Timestamp
Dylan R message Thanks, Dylan R! Hey DLL, just wanted to say that i really enjoy the videos that you can see Linus is genuinely excited, example the brightest gaming monitor. Please keep those up! Timestamp
keegan m message Thanks, keegan m! just finished a robotics competition today. How big is first robotics competition in Canada, and Linus has you or your son ever been intested in it? also what are your opinions on it? Timestamp
keegan m reply Reply @keegan m! We mostly do skills canada here Timestamp
Tristan C message Thanks, Tristan C! Hey Dinus Lan and Duke, are you ever concerned about giving an industry the LTT hug and cause prices to skyrocket like with the Used Hard Drives video? Timestamp
Tristan C reply Reply @Tristan C! IT happens... Timestamp
Mathew B message Thanks, Mathew B! Hello LLD, I have been watching since the Langley house back when I was back in high school and now getting my bachelors in computer science, and just wanted to say love the content and keep it up :) Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi! US fan here, do you have an update on when Wave 3 commuter backpacks are estimated to start shipping Timestamp
Stockton N message Thanks, Stockton N! Hi DLL I work in the Pool Industry and Mainly install Pentair Equipment. For your Pool Automation Have you found something you Like Cuz everything weve been trying is CRAP Timestamp
Gerard P message Thanks, Gerard P! Hey Linus, With a new ANNO game coming out, what are some features/settings you want to see? Are you looking forward to playing it? Timestamp
Florian E message Thanks, Florian E! What's your opinion on using organic cotton in your merch? Timestamp
Erik Z message Thanks, Erik Z! Love the cable management solution (clearly)! What are your guys' thoughts on the potential of data leak to the public Al model with Co-Pilot and Microsoft NOT allowing us to turn Co-Pilot off in Win? Timestamp
Erik Z reply Reply @Erik Z! Welcome to current year. It's going to get worse. Timestamp
Alexander R reply Reply @Alexander R! it used to be FUN Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi ltt. Watching this from the hospital right now awaiting results of a blood test. Great timing to catch the wan show live. Timestamp
Robert J message Thanks, Robert J! Have any of you ever thought about trying astrophotography? It can be as tech- heavy as you want to make it, and the photos can be breathtaking. Timestamp
Robert J reply Reply @Robert J! Too much light pollution Timestamp
Tahyler S message Thanks, Tahyler S! How long do you think AM4 will be supported, where do we think it will end? Timestamp
Tahyler S reply Reply @Tahyler S! They lied about threadripper. So it could be forever, or next gen. Timestamp
Henry G message Thanks, Henry G! Hello LLD.naW, did you notice an obvious spike in viewership from linus going on Fallon, just curious :) Timestamp
Ethan S message Thanks, Ethan S! Thanks for the Bag! A question for Linus. We've heard of your tech heroes and mentors, but what about the people who inspired you to keep going through the hardest bits of running a business? Timestamp
Shivas P message Thanks, Shivas P! "Hey LDL, Thanks for the spicy show tonight. I just built my first AMD Tower (7800X3D, 8 Noctua Fans, Kraken AIO, 64GB Ram, X870 Aorus WIFI7, Fractal North XL). It's super fast! Kept my RTX 3090. TY! Timestamp
Zachary P message Thanks, Zachary P! Have you considered doing episodes that focus on AV integration? With so many AV over network solutions it would be interesting to see how it can be leveraged at LMG and Badminton Center. Timestamp
Zachary P reply Reply @Zachary P! Too niche Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! When is the mod mat you said you were going to release a while ago Timestamp
Andrew S message Thanks, Andrew S! I missed the bonus bin round 1 you sneaky devils Timestamp
James M message Thanks, James M! Absolutely loving your products. I got the orginal backpack just before a Christmas vacation to Malaysia. I bought it without expecting it to arrive then it did and was the best travel companion. Timestamp
Scott G message Thanks, Scott G! You can probably just investment disclose for small form factor computers, since that is what framework desktop is. Timestamp
Bryce N message Thanks, Bryce N! First ever merch message! Will there ever be an option for the commuter backpack to have a black interior? Thanks! Timestamp
Bryce N reply Reply @Bryce N! Probably not Timestamp
Damian A message Thanks, Damian A! Love from Texas! I travel for work so I carry a gaming laptop with mouse and a steam deck and PS portal for gaming What do you guys uses for mobile gaming. And do you think hand helds is the future? Timestamp
Damian A reply Reply @Damian A! Laptop for me! Timestamp
Jalan R message Thanks, Jalan R! Hello team, what is the average day like at LTT? Thanks for the preem gear Timestamp
Jalan R reply Reply @Jalan R! Screaming and everything is on fire Timestamp
Dylan P message Thanks, Dylan P! After having to replace the board in my FW13 recently, I realized I needed to replace the thermal interface again. So I'm glad to see that PTM is back in stock here again! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey qwertyuiop, restock cargo pants when!? Can you comment on if you are likely to resolve supplier issues on any product lines? Timestamp
Moises s message Thanks, Moises s! Hi DLL, would you guys ever consider a remote network admin position Timestamp
Moises s reply Reply @Moises s! If we needed a remote network admin position I'm sure we would consider it yeah? Timestamp
Michael A message Thanks, Michael A! Hey DLL, still no security torx bits? Also would you tour a plant where they but together LED scoreboards (video boards) if the opportunity arose? Timestamp
James C message Thanks, James C! When can we get a tall size? I work with items over my head all day and need a quality polo that won't show my spare tire off to my buddies. Timestamp
James C reply Reply @James C! YEAH SOON I HOPE Timestamp
William C message Thanks, William C! Hi guys. Talk about VR. I like VR. Shift fall Maganex? Why do all YouTubers name the description below box "Lincoln"? Timestamp
Justin B message Thanks, Justin B! Replicated the double click issue on the window. You must be focused on preview windows to move. You can move out of focus "full" windows (but will be focused after). For better or worse *shrug* Timestamp
James M message Thanks, James M! Linus, what is your favorite feature of your Taycan and your biggest annoyance? When my current EV lease is up, I am considering getting a used one. Timestamp
James M reply Reply @James M! NYOOM Timestamp
Nathaniel H message Thanks, Nathaniel H! Do you guys think HomeLab stuff is coming back with the rise of subscription costs? Timestamp
Shawn T message Thanks, Shawn T! Samsung just announced their Gen 5 9100 NVMe drives. Two part question: Would direct storage actually help gaming performance? Does LMG have any plans for testing SSDs? Timestamp
Shawn T reply Reply @Shawn T! Number go up. Usecase very small though Timestamp
Connor M message Thanks, Connor M! Hey LLD! My wife begrudgingly loves your underwear. Trying to get her more into gaming, what would you suggest for casual entry games? What games do you play with your SO's? Timestamp
Connor M reply Reply @Connor M! Minecraft pretty easy Timestamp
Brandon A message Thanks, Brandon A! Opinion on Shrek? Timestamp
Brandon A reply Reply @Brandon A! Love. Life. Timestamp
Carlos H message Thanks, Carlos H! LLD, What on-going education have you taken since you've started LTT in order to improve your business acumen? Btw 2 external displays on a Mac with PowerPoint presenter notes is infuriating. Timestamp
Chris W message Thanks, Chris W! HI DLL, I Just got a pomsky 4Lbs, hoping the retro monitor pet cave is going to work out for a while. Do you know if it has any chew resistance? Thanks for all the great content. Timestamp
Ryan M message Thanks, Ryan M! Hey gang, thanks for the entertaining content. Been curious for a while, why was the water bottle holder placed inside on the OG backpack? Thanks! Timestamp
Ryan M reply Reply @Ryan M! To hold the water bottle. It's just a choice. I like it inside tbh Timestamp
Jarrod W message Thanks, Jarrod W! LLD, I enjoy high fidelity audio/video. With the rise of streaming, physical media is disappearing. How do you feel about the disappearance of 4k discs, streaming shortcomings, and ownership meanings? Timestamp
Jarrod W reply Reply @Jarrod W! You will own nothing and like it. Timestamp
Nicholas C message Thanks, Nicholas C! If you make an Al server for LTT will there be a video and would you like help I'm an Al Platform Engineer. Timestamp
Ethan V message Thanks, Ethan V! Finally time to pickup a commuter bag!-- Have you ever thought about doing more industrial content? PLC | Industrial Networks | Redundancy. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi guys first time merch message. Have bought all screwdrivers. Needed scribedriver and some sales Timestamp
Matthew L message Thanks, Matthew L! Hey DLL! Could we maybe get a look at modern carputer setups? I haven't seen much since Android head units have become a thing. Should be able to do some interesting things with modern CANbus cars. Timestamp
Jordan P message Thanks, Jordan P! Hey LTT gang, I'm finally upgrading my water bottle from the first gen LTT water bottle. What is your rehearsal process prior to starting to filming video? Timestamp
Mark S message Thanks, Mark S! I can finally be a tech bro 07 Timestamp
Russell H message Thanks, Russell H! Got me again. Happy Friday! Timestamp
ALEXANDER D message Thanks, ALEXANDER D! screwdriver time Timestamp
Brendan U message Thanks, Brendan U! Linus would you do a challenge where you use just bare Windows for a week? No changing major settings, using edge, no pdf viewer, no deleting bloatware, etc. Could be interesting to compare to MacOS! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi Dan and the others. Shirts are for bothers stag do, hope the only available size fit well enough. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi.DLL I started a new job in IT and my friends are pushing me to try to climb to a leadership role. I hate telling people what do do but pay looks juicy. How did you learn to manage others? Timestamp
Anthony L message Thanks, Anthony L! Dear DLL, I assume there a few gamers who work for LMG. Does anyone follow ??? esports, if so which ones? Timestamp
Martin S message Thanks, Martin S! Hey LL and D, Mac driver here for the last 15+ years, I have been able to use a Mac at work now for the last 12 months, implementing a new system and needed all day battery life, PC cannot compare. Timestamp
Mode W message Thanks, Mode W! MacOS can be really nice once you have your workflows and 3rd party utilities solidified... if you aren't hampered by device policy. I love my personal M1 Max MBP. My M2 Max work MBP is a chore to use Timestamp
Sophia W message Thanks, Sophia W! I'm wanting to learn coding to make tech better especially in the accounting field for businesses I've heard of API development but haven't understood it. Do y'all use API coding/development? Timestamp
Sophia W reply Reply @Sophia W! Yes extremely heavily Timestamp
Julian C message Thanks, Julian C! Where do you think you guys would be if you didn't go all-in on the tech/content industry? Timestamp
Julian C reply Reply @Julian C! Probably in a ditch somewhere Timestamp
Daminico W message Thanks, Daminico W! Hey DLL, with ai growing so fast. How much do you think it will affect network security sector. Example ai powered malware turning script kiddies into real threats. Btw my girlfriend loves your merch. Timestamp
Daminico W reply Reply @Daminico W! It's going to be BADDDD Timestamp
Aaron R message Thanks, Aaron R! Hey LLD, bought a commuter backpack at Launch and Loved it for a whole week before work gave me a beefier laptop with it barely closing on the new laptop. I hope the OG backpack fits it better. Timestamp
Joshua D message Thanks, Joshua D! More colors for the Long Sleeve Hooded T-Shirt please!! Timestamp
Zane D message Thanks, Zane D! Dear Linus, Have you looked at the Home Assistant Voice Preview? Are you looking at setting an Al assistant for your home? Timestamp
Daichi A message Thanks, Daichi A! Live WAN, AND in the same country for once? WITH a KILLER SALE!? AWESOME and thanks. Are the other water bottle colors ever coming back to the store? Timestamp
Daichi A reply Reply @Daichi A! Maybe one day Timestamp
Abrar M message Thanks, Abrar M! Someone mentioned U.2, and it made me think of sata express. What happened to that? What was the point of making a faster AHCI interface when NVME drives were coming out? Timestamp
Abrar M reply Reply @Abrar M! Supplanted Timestamp
Kalvin D message Thanks, Kalvin D! LTT housecoat when? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Super excited to get the laptop bag, i really only take my laptop to work so this will be convenient if I don't need the whole bag. Timestamp
Clint M message Thanks, Clint M! Happy Birthday, Me! Thanks family for the gift cards! Timestamp
Joshua B reply Reply @Joshua B! After I have to repair it 3 times. Timestamp
John T message Thanks, John T! As a Mac guy (still love my M1 Pro)... you aren't wrong about the Apple annoyances. Timestamp
Kevin C message Thanks, Kevin C! When is underwear being restocked? Its been so long and I've been holding off on buying other brands Timestamp
KENT M message Thanks, KENT M! Hi Loop, Lambda and Debugger, the macOS topic makes me realize a lot of my exp is handled by terminal enacted settings such as key repeat speed. Is this a RTFM moment, or OS too complex? Timestamp
Niv B message Thanks, Niv B! Hi LLD, is there a way to run RAID 1 but have the data be read from both drives in a striped way like in RAID 0? I see no logical reason why not. P.S. Does FP not support background play on android? Timestamp
Niv B reply Reply @Niv B! Yes there are loads of complicated raids Timestamp
Kyler R message Thanks, Kyler R! Hello y'all. Are their any plans to make video's about technology outside of computers? Such as improvements in Aviation, home appliances, firearms, hand tools, lights, etc. Timestamp
Kyler R reply Reply @Kyler R! Too niche and handled by others Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Do you guys have issues with shadow IT. I've been with my company for about 3 years now as a Sys Admin and the amount of shadow IT is insane and the execs never hold people accountable. Timestamp
Jay P message Thanks, Jay P! yo yo yo! if a lifetime windows user is trying macOS, are we gonna get lifetime macos user trying windows for 30 days? also (seriously asking), can we get a job listing link plz i might legit apply Timestamp
Jon-Paul M message Thanks, Jon-Paul M! Keen for the Mod Mat, hope it happens soon:), any ETA? Thanks guys, tax write offfffff!!!!! Timestamp
Steve K message Thanks, Steve K! In 2013 Nintendo had the year of Luigi. In the same spirit, LMG 2025. the year of Dan? Anyway, happy tax write off day! Thanks! Timestamp
Steve K reply Reply @Steve K! I'm pretty sure 2025 is the year of a different Luigi. Timestamp
Antonio A message Thanks, Antonio A! First time able to sent a merch message! Y'all are awesome and thanks for the news! Question though for Duke, Dinus, and Dan. Do you think that SLI would come back in the future for consumer gaming? Timestamp
Antonio A reply Reply @Antonio A! No most likely not. Timestamp
Alex E message Thanks, Alex E! As a child, I remember sitting in the NOC in the early 90s with my dad. I used to mess with the screensavers on the PCs. I would get fired if my boss found out my kids were playing on my laptop! Timestamp
Cole W message Thanks, Cole W! Hey Ladle, switching between Solidworks and Inventor has been annoying between school and work. Is there any annoying software to use when you know there's a better option? Timestamp
Kristen S message Thanks, Kristen S! LMG staff have said in videos that generally the best thing people can do for buying speakers is second hand, would you have/make a guide/shorthand for which brands to focus on as a shopping guide? Timestamp
Josh J message Thanks, Josh J! Hey WAN Show, long time watcher first time caller. What happened with the Modmat? Still on the way? Timestamp
Josh J reply Reply @Josh J! Still on the way yes Timestamp
Krish T message Thanks, Krish T! For L of DLL, was the idea of blank clothing always on the table or were you initially just set on merch and LTT stuff, and/or even opposed to it? Timestamp
Simon L message Thanks, Simon L! Hi LDL, love time viewer first time merch messenger. Question for Luke: What is your opinion of using technical questions for software interviews? Is there a better way to scope out good candidates? Timestamp
Andreas F message Thanks, Andreas F! hi DLL. 1:Linus get RayCast. 2: for Luke, thoughts on using Al for learning software development, I don't wanna get lazy but its also an amazing resource to learn on your own. Cant afford school. Timestamp
Andreas F reply Reply @Andreas F! Watch a youtube video come on man Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey! I recently learned about (thanks, Veritasium) about the significant positive impact of Al on the problem of protein folding. Have you seen any other recent positive impacts of Al outside of LLMs? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! SO many visual things for the medical field. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi all, after hearing your thoughts on people not learning basic typing skills, what tools do you recommend? I type around 29 WPM and want to improve. Timestamp
Matthew H message Thanks, Matthew H! First time catch WAN show live, I'm using a C2 42" as a monitor, I know Linus has done the same in the past. Driving 4k even with the best hardware can be difficult. What did you do to make exp better Timestamp
Matthew H reply Reply @Matthew H! I use a C2 55" Timestamp
Jeffrey T message Thanks, Jeffrey T! My wife loves the scoop bra and bikini undies, and wants more, but I couldn't get our order in before they sold out. I know y'all have said they didn't sell well, but any chance of them coming back? Timestamp
Jeffrey T reply Reply @Jeffrey T! They didn't sell well. Timestamp
Clifton F message Thanks, Clifton F! s. W. e. Philly Philly :) Birds Are Real. Timestamp
Alexander J message Thanks, Alexander J! If you keep buying Nvidia you are part of the problem. Now is the time to take a stance! Timestamp
Alexander J reply Reply @Alexander J! But I work for a living and need CUDA cores. We don't have a choice. Timestamp
Logan E message Thanks, Logan E! Hey DLL. Are you guys planning on doing more HexOS content. I love the show! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Dear Dan and Luke, Can you please interrupt Linus everytime he says strix halo, which is an Asus product, with AMD AI Max+ Pro, "To protect his investment disclosure" :D /s but please someone correct Timestamp
David L message Thanks, David L! Lan Duke Dinus - there seems to be a growing trend in the use of 'dumb phones' light2 is great for me because of having hotspot. Is there any interest on ltts part to review tech products like this? Timestamp
Matthew H message Thanks, Matthew H! Hi Wenus, Wucas, and Wan. Love watching WAN vod every Monday at work. What are your favorite things to watch or listen to at work to help focus? Timestamp
Matthew H reply Reply @Matthew H! I really just listen to a playlist of about 15 songs I'm learning on the Hurdy Gurdy. Timestamp
James V message Thanks, James V! Great sale. Is there a chance the windbreaker will come back? I have one, enjoy it greatly, and would like to get another for a family member. Timestamp
Jeffrey K message Thanks, Jeffrey K! Hi DLL, What cable sheating would be used for the upcoming LTTStore cables? Have bad experience with braided cables shrinking causing kinks. Timestamp
Salvador A message Thanks, Salvador A! Hi DLL, Why doesn't Samsung make Desktop CPU's or GPU since they already make Mobile chips? Apple has had great success with their M series of chips they've brought out. Timestamp
Phil H message Thanks, Phil H! @Dan Is living in Canada without Greggs a struggle? Would you like me to send you some sausage rolls? <3 Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Why is it so rare for newer monitors to include more than 1 DP input? I have a variety of devices to connect and use at the same time so a KVM doesn't help. Timestamp
Mohammad K message Thanks, Mohammad K! Dear Leg Length Discrepancy, this is my first ever merch message! Wanted you to know that you were the reason I left Med School back in '17 to pursue a profession in Tech. I now work for IBM - thanks! Timestamp
Mohammad K reply Reply @Mohammad K! <3 Timestamp
Andrew G message Thanks, Andrew G! I appreciate all the awesome videos! Timestamp
Leo B message Thanks, Leo B! Hi LLD, Linus how is the built in GPU/ CPU of the Mac? have you run any LLM's/ games on it have you used the 'new siri' on it if so what do you think of the new Siri /and on Mac? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I love the new labs site... Wish it was around when I was building in my ghost s1! It took a while to find a gpu to fit. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi from Japan! Was interested in the screwdriver for a while and taking the opportunity to get it alongside some other things. Yay, free shipping! Timestamp
Valentino V message Thanks, Valentino V! These offers are crazy, thanks guys! Hope everyone is doing well <3 Timestamp
Jared F message Thanks, Jared F! Hi DLL! Getting an order in before tariffs hit :( why are file backups so predatory on Windows? Everything is a paid service and the built in tools are difficult or nonexistent Timestamp
Jared F reply Reply @Jared F! I hate it. Timestamp
Caleb B message Thanks, Caleb B! Thanks for the great sale! Quick Q, I ordered 2 commuter bags back when they were first released and I only got shipped 1. Should I contact support or are there still some delays and it's coming? Timestamp
Joseph B message Thanks, Joseph B! I subscribe to Floatplane and often watch The WAN show on Floatplane. I sometimes watch on YT. Do you prefer people watching WAN show and LTT videos in general from Floatplane or YT financially? Timestamp
Joseph B reply Reply @Joseph B! Watch it whever you want. :) Timestamp
Shelby H message Thanks, Shelby H! Hello DLL! I've been tinkering within Google's AppsScript, but ready to learn something more universal. What's the best language for a beginner to make little tools, utilities, android apps? Timestamp
Shelby H reply Reply @Shelby H! The concepts of programming will let you learn anything. Python has a really easy syntax that a lot of beginners like. C++ is a bear by comparison. Timestamp
Jamin L message Thanks, Jamin L! For LTT Labs, can you please have them add the data for the newest GPU's so people can compare what they have to what they may want to shop for. Probably the biggest thing for people right now. Timestamp
AJ M message Thanks, AJ M! LI'm painting all the walls in my house this weekend. Any tips? Also, how's the motorcycle coming? Timestamp
AJ M reply Reply @AJ M! Eggshell Timestamp
Bryce S message Thanks, Bryce S! Hoping to get a new AMD graphics card to replace my 1060. Already replaced my 3rd gen i7 with a 7900X3D (it was on sale). With the $69 PC, what are your thoughts about Windows 11 CPU and TPM limits? Timestamp
Bryce S reply Reply @Bryce S! I disable my TPM so I can stay on windows 10 Timestamp
Ernest E message Thanks, Ernest E! Hello LLD from the open roads of USA. being a water cooling PC fan Linus. What do you feel is missing when it comes comes to PC water cooling today? Timestamp
Ernest E reply Reply @Ernest E! The level of effort to do it Timestamp
Jacob M message Thanks, Jacob M! Hi WAN.dll, I tentatively bought the tax write-off shirt after not being able to handle sensory feel of the original American Apparel shirts and it was great! Are all the current shirts the new ones? Timestamp
Edward N message Thanks, Edward N! Went to my local library recently and was floored by the amount of tech available, can you please raise awareness of the tech resources available at libraries? 3D printer vinyl cutter recording studio Timestamp
Edward N reply Reply @Edward N! Support your local library! Timestamp
Dylan G message Thanks, Dylan G! Finally I can save on those shipping costs to Australia! Timestamp
John S message Thanks, John S! Hey, you discussed the Arc challenge & Mac challenge but with Nirav Patel declaring on stage "2025 is truly the year of the Linux gaming desktop.", how do u feel about another Linux challenge? Timestamp
John S reply Reply @John S! SteamOS challenge? Timestamp
Michael KH T message Thanks, Michael KH T! LLD team, when can you advertise made in Canada, would be great! CA Timestamp
Michael KH T reply Reply @Michael KH T! We'll just stop sending products to the USA after they declare war on us. It's fine. Timestamp
Skylar M message Thanks, Skylar M! Hey Wan Team! First time merch message. Just wanted to say I've been listening to the Wan show for years, and always love your guys takes. Keep up the great work! Appreciate you guys! :) Timestamp
Devin C message Thanks, Devin C! Excited for my new tech gear! Any plans for any more videos with other Car Youtubers like you did with MCM? Timestamp
Devin C reply Reply @Devin C! God I hope so Timestamp
Hunter E message Thanks, Hunter E! Hi LTT! Thank you guys for always giving me content to listen to while I work on Fridays! Timestamp
John s message Thanks, John s! Any scope creep stories? My company got tired of whining about me not being quick enough to work on another shops gear. Now Im training someone to configure CNC mills to pull from a networked FTP svr. Timestamp
Jeff P message Thanks, Jeff P! I know you've talked about this before. But any more thought on supporting CAD in the store for us Canadians? Exchange rate fluctuations suck! Timestamp
Jeff P reply Reply @Jeff P! Shopify issue and most of the customers are US. But that might change soon... Timestamp
Chad L message Thanks, Chad L! Hey LLD. What is your go to Al app and why? I'm currently using grok, been very impressed. P.S please say hi to my dog andy lol Timestamp
Chad L reply Reply @Chad L! I've been enjoying them locally on Automatic1111 but now I'm using LMStudio. Timestamp
Riker M message Thanks, Riker M! Gotta grab 2 more scribed rivers because I lost the one I got a while ago. Timestamp
Presley H message Thanks, Presley H! Hello DLL from VOD watcher! Need LABS Zip Hoodie in Floatplane Blue! (or any Royal Blue) Timestamp
Thomas T message Thanks, Thomas T! Coming from a 3080 12GB is it looking like the performance of the 9070 XT makes sense? With the disappointment of the Nvidia launch would it make more sense to just wait another generation? Timestamp
Thomas T reply Reply @Thomas T! Ask our forum! Timestamp
David S message Thanks, David S! Any thoughts on the upcoming Final Fantasy and Magic: the Gathering crossover set? Timestamp
David S reply Reply @David S! MTG is a scourge on the world. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey DLL, love the content from china, is lmg planning to shoot content in china, considering the huge tech innovation happening right now in china? Or consider collaboratin with Chinese tech creators? Timestamp
Jonathan R message Thanks, Jonathan R! I bought my last GPU during the crypto shortage. Glad I held off until 2nd shortage. This blows. :( Timestamp
Arden S message Thanks, Arden S! Big fan since the Deadmau5 NAS video! If not a LTT Screwdriver, are there any other tools you EDC or take on field trips to shoots / builds? Timestamp
Colton M message Thanks, Colton M! What is a piece of technology that you've encountered but hasn't gotten a video because its application is too niche or profession specific? Timestamp
Colton M reply Reply @Colton M! PLM stuff is sick Timestamp
Steven W message Thanks, Steven W! Hey DLL, I am dropping music streaming and using my own collection stored on jellyfin using HexOS. Do you think people will ever go back to owning their own media libraries Timestamp
Steven W reply Reply @Steven W! That's based as heck. Yes I'd hope so. Timestamp
Ken D message Thanks, Ken D! Linus, I know you've shared out the "laws" you have for scripts, but any chance we can get a deep dive into the writing & ideation process for your vids? Keep up the great work LLD & all of LTT! ty Timestamp
Michael G message Thanks, Michael G! Nothing to see here, just writing some stuff off. XD Timestamp
Chris H reply Reply @Chris H! If they designed their own cosmetics that's totally different what? Are you insane? Timestamp
Adam P message Thanks, Adam P! Hi dynamic link library. I'm curious how Linus is liking EV experience. Would you ever go back to an ICE if given the option? Or are you EV for life? Timestamp
William g message Thanks, William g! My retro screwdriver is still catching whenever I'm trying to use it even if it's fully clicked into gear. I message your team a little bit after buying it and they wanted a video but it's so random Timestamp
Erika U message Thanks, Erika U! I work for a large airlines and am currently in the process of developing a new operations center. What challenges has LTT faced in internal communications, i.e. Email/Teams/that one random group chat Timestamp
Michael M message Thanks, Michael M! Hey guys, first time message writer. Do you believe the return to office big companies are pushing for is more for control of the employees and justification of empty offices or in person collab? Timestamp
Michael M reply Reply @Michael M! Good way to lay off staff. It's a feww way to fire people Timestamp
Jamisen W message Thanks, Jamisen W! Hello wan show crew, i was wondering if you guys will ever make any other tools to go with the screwdrivers like wrenches and the sort, maybe even a tool box? Timestamp
David K message Thanks, David K! Hi DLL, due to having to move to a new city which doesn't have any opportunities for my specialty, and with a newborn, do you have any advice in a career path that can be remote & current demand? Timestamp
David K reply Reply @David K! Tech support or accounting or editing or lots of stuff Timestamp
Zane K message Thanks, Zane K! How is LTT bumping up security practices other than with your new partner Threat locker? Timestamp
Zane K reply Reply @Zane K! It's actually everywhere inside the company from red team to blue team Timestamp
Patrick K message Thanks, Patrick K! Hello Linus Luke Dan with Amazon removing the ability to download Kindle books to external devices creating some consumer backlash do you think there will ever be a point people stop with Amazon? Timestamp
Sara K message Thanks, Sara K! Hi Dan, Linus and Luke! If YouTube was never a platform, do you think LTT would have still come to life in some other way? Do you have a favorite idea for what it could have looked like Timestamp
carlos P message Thanks, carlos P! Hello LLD, didn't intended to buy anything until I heared about the free shiping to Tombuctú. Really excited to play the new Monster Hunter Wilds, Any games you are waiting to release? (e.g. Doom DA) Timestamp
carlos P reply Reply @carlos P! Waiting for leaving to home for wilds. D0000000000M very exciting Timestamp
Robert G message Thanks, Robert G! Love the content and when I get to catch WAN show live! I'm looking forward to trying the Labs Blank Tee! Timestamp
Ronan C message Thanks, Ronan C! Yo LL Cool D, what are your thoughts on RTX HDR for video? I'd love to see an up to date video taking a look at it, now that it has matured a bit and been integrated with VLC and browsers etc. Timestamp
Ronan C reply Reply @Ronan C! HDR is just a joke of a system right now and still. Timestamp
Luke W message Thanks, Luke W! DLL, Have any of you added any tech to your home that actually made things easier/faster? Timestamp
Luke W reply Reply @Luke W! The lights help with automating my life. Timestamp
Cole T message Thanks, Cole T! Is the messenger bag still happening? Love my Backpack for travel but I prefer a messenger bag for daily carry Timestamp
Andrew C message Thanks, Andrew C! I swapped to Mac due to the M series processor. Do you think Apple will keep a lead/be equal on laptop silicon or do you think Qualcomm or some other company will surpass them on performance/watt? Timestamp
Andrew C reply Reply @Andrew C! They have the money but I'm waiting for another distruption. Timestamp
Jonathan G message Thanks, Jonathan G! Thank you Linus for the great products and merch! Timestamp
Andrew T message Thanks, Andrew T! Aloha Linus, Luke, and Dan! I hope you guys are able to visit Hawaii in the future! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Tall shirts back in stock when? Dan, keep up the good work! Timestamp
Alexander B message Thanks, Alexander B! yo. I currently work at an msp. with Snapdragon laptops becoming popular we've run into troubles finding ARM printer drivers. Do you think think issues like this will impact snapdragon adoption rates Timestamp
Alexander B reply Reply @Alexander B! Yes. That's a major reason new players struggle to pop up Timestamp
Byron B message Thanks, Byron B! Word. Lovin' it. You're my inspiration for a $2-$5 million tech upgrade to my medical work place. Jank until otherwise for life. Timestamp
Nicolas B message Thanks, Nicolas B! Hi Tan, Juke, and Soup, what constitutes what your wear during LTT video shoots? Curious if wardrobe choices affect your sentiment of how videos turn out. Timestamp
Nicolas B reply Reply @Nicolas B! We have stuff we try and push every week Timestamp
Andrew C message Thanks, Andrew C! Hey LLD, what are the chances we might see an LTX in the next few years? Would really love to do another trip up from Washington to visit Vancouver! Timestamp
Michelle W message Thanks, Michelle W! I forgot to add the laptop bag a few minutes ago and now I have to pay shipping twice . Well, at least I got great deals for both of my orders! Thanks LDL for everything vou all do! Timestamp
Anthony K message Thanks, Anthony K! Please don't tariff me I just want a screwdriver. Also, Jensen is ripping with these cards. us all off Timestamp
Yoni W message Thanks, Yoni W! Hi LLDeez. Recently upgraded from the S20FE to the 1+ 13. After a few hours realized I didn't really need the upgrade and returned. Ever bought something only to realize the old one worked just fine? Timestamp
Yoni W reply Reply @Yoni W! 4090 Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hey Ltt I work for iatse and love wearing cargo pants and carrying a lot in my pockets however I constantly go through them. My question is how durable are your guy's cargo pants? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Are there any updates on when longer inseams will be available for the cargo pants? Timestamp
Ben D message Thanks, Ben D! Did you guys see microsofts new quantam chip? Thoughs? What will be the implications of a viable quantum chip in your opinions? Timestamp
Ben D reply Reply @Ben D! I really hope that it is going to actually do something. Timestamp
Sebastian P message Thanks, Sebastian P! Loving these sales! Thanks so much Linus! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi LLD, Did you know that the wan show has been played on the main screen of at least 4 military floors around the world? Where is the weirdest place that you have seen a reference to yourself? Timestamp
Jon S message Thanks, Jon S! Hey Dan and the others, love the 5-9 collection! If the modmat releases soon(tm) how complicated would it be to get one added to this order? Europe shipping is a bitch Timestamp
Jon S reply Reply @Jon S! Complicated. Timestamp
Forrest D message Thanks, Forrest D! Would you recommend Video Toaster for video production in current year?/s Timestamp
Taylor K message Thanks, Taylor K! Thank you for igniting my passion in tech a decade ago. From this I earned a degree in IT. It allowed me to become a first time homebuyer this past week! I don't think I could have done it without you Timestamp
Lochlan S message Thanks, Lochlan S! Thea L is a potato Timestamp
Christian S message Thanks, Christian S! Hey, been using my LTT cargo pants while AV Freelancing and enjoying emptying my tool bag into my pants. Question though, what pocket would recommend for storing the precision screwdriver? Timestamp
Gurinder P message Thanks, Gurinder P! Hey LLD, I'm eying up a handheld system. Would you go for the older but solid OLED Steam Deck, wait for the Legion GO S (steam os version) in Canada? Or go for something else? Timestamp
Josiah K message Thanks, Josiah K! Hi Luke, what would you upgrade for Linus' gamer aesthetics? Also epic tech goon- cave update plans for either LS, Dan, or You? Thoughts on BTF Mobo's? Ever build in the Antec Flux Pro Timestamp
Josiah K reply Reply @Josiah K! My goon cave is perfect. Timestamp
Sam K message Thanks, Sam K! Hi LLD, soon to be father that grew up playing games like zoombinis, freddy fish, and pajama sam. What games did you grow up with and any recommendations on finding and storing old games locally? Timestamp
Sam K reply Reply @Sam K! Hocus Pokus Timestamp
Matthew K message Thanks, Matthew K! Hey Dan! This is probably your 3000+ message, and I just want to remind you that you can do anything to the LL crew on screen. You can add poop emojis above their heads, anything! Thanks for this! Timestamp
Kishan D message Thanks, Kishan D! Tax write off good... Free shipping gooder. Greetings from Malaysia Timestamp
Andres V message Thanks, Andres V! Leedle Leedle Dee! Love your channel! Been a fan of over ten years! Have you considered looking at some retro gaming stuff but with something a little more niche like Steel Battalion for the OG Xbox? Timestamp
Joshua W message Thanks, Joshua W! Thanks for the free shipping to Straya Timestamp
Scott M message Thanks, Scott M! Hey DL2 I got a Hot Potato Hoodie. The HPHs that are seen in videos worn by staff, are they part of the 69 sold or are they extra? How does that work? Is there really only 69 in existence? Timestamp
Kimberly H message Thanks, Kimberly H! HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY MAVERICK!!!! PIE DAY! 3/14/25 Thank you LTT for being the first channel to teach me about tech in a fun/approachable way. I've been watching with my tech savvy SO for 8 years. <3 Timestamp
Lukas D message Thanks, Lukas D! Love the products, but still waiting for a EU warehouse? :D Timestamp
Jay P message Thanks, Jay P! lol no way i always watch the wan show never actually had the chance for a merch msg. love yall from usa! Timestamp
Steve F message Thanks, Steve F! Thanks for what you do. Love your products Timestamp
Alex A message Thanks, Alex A! Did the mystery cables ties go away? I didn't see them as an option when scrolling the store this time. Timestamp
Thomas J message Thanks, Thomas J! Dynamic, Link, and Library, hope you have fun this weekend Timestamp
Ethan W message Thanks, Ethan W! Hey DLL! Lots of today's tech was sci-fi movie magic a few decades ago. What sci-fi tech would you be most excited to see become real-life? Timestamp
Angela M message Thanks, Angela M! Hi LLD! I'm in middle school & would appreciate any advice on how to learn more about tech stuff because my school doesn't have a good tech program. Also curious about the mechanical pencil. Thanks! Timestamp
Quentin L message Thanks, Quentin L! Love the quality gear! With that said, it's back to trying to get Monster Hunter Wilds to actually play with any level of actual performance! It's a struggle right now! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi duke, lie'ness and Dan the man. I was wondering what keeps you going... we know there have been rough patches but you always come back, and seemingly more resilient... why? Timestamp
Jeremy J message Thanks, Jeremy J! Spent all of today trouble shooting 6 DC's that were failing to talk thanks to slight time differences causing Kerberos SNP failures. What annoying thing caused you loads of grief recently? Timestamp
Aaron T message Thanks, Aaron T! I've noticed in many GPU reviews the 3080 TI seems to be excluded from most charts. Is there a specific reason for this or just not popular enough? Timestamp
Amanda S message Thanks, Amanda S! Hi! I love the old pink and white water bottle and wish I could have bought one! Is there a chance it'll ever be brought back for a limited run? (-: Timestamp
Nathan C message Thanks, Nathan C! Hey DLL - How often do you use Python internally? I work in DevOps and have been working on migrating my company to uv. Can't recommend it highly enough for Python projects. Timestamp
Nathan C reply Reply @Nathan C! Depends on the thing being built. Timestamp
Tysen E message Thanks, Tysen E! Hi Linus. DBrand said you're short. Timestamp
Tysen E reply Reply @Tysen E! He is tho Timestamp
Samantha M message Thanks, Samantha M! First merch message and first purchase from! Love the WAN show, hope y'all are having a good Friday night! Timestamp
Thanglallian V message Thanks, Thanglallian V! Hello LLD, In your experience, what is the best lazy way to clean a pc without removing everything? Been eyeing the laptog bag for a while now can't wait for it to arrive. Timestamp
Thanglallian V reply Reply @Thanglallian V! Just some air Timestamp
Pedro J L message Thanks, Pedro J L! Would like see video on upgrade path from 3060. Timestamp
Pedro J L reply Reply @Pedro J L! Buy new gpu. Upgraded. Timestamp
Trystan M message Thanks, Trystan M! Keep up the good work everybody!!! Timestamp
Kyle R message Thanks, Kyle R! Any plans on a bit case for the fullsize bbites someone in the trades it would be really nice not to have to buy multiple screwdriver just to store bits Timestamp
Kyle R reply Reply @Kyle R! Yes it's in the works Timestamp
Jonathan M message Thanks, Jonathan M! :D Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! I recently built my own NAS and have been experimenting with website building game servers, other online stuff. I struggle when I go beyond local use ie exposing to web Any good sources to learn more? Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Find a project to do! Timestamp
Jose Guillermo S message Thanks, Jose Guillermo S! Hey LLD, would you ever hire people from US/Canada? Due to NAFTA/CUSMA these usually are easier to do than other countries (Im from Mexico working in US due to this!) Timestamp
Jose Guillermo S reply Reply @Jose Guillermo S! We do yes! Timestamp
Andy C message Thanks, Andy C! Been lovin' the show! Finally have a good excuse to get my new desk pad and a fancy pen! xD Timestamp
Isaac Z message Thanks, Isaac Z! Love the show DLL! so excited to get the backpack! Timestamp
Llewellyn W message Thanks, Llewellyn W! Hi Linus Luke and Lan. long time lurker first time purchaser here from Western Australia. have you seen the ludicrous pricing of all new 50 series cards including the increase since launch up to >25% Timestamp
Llewellyn W reply Reply @Llewellyn W! Yepper Timestamp
Mykhail O message Thanks, Mykhail O! Love the products and really love the labs site, keep up the great work! I'm building a desk (sit-stand legs and wood counter top). Are there any 3D prints that have helped you organize your desks? Timestamp
Mykhail O reply Reply @Mykhail O! Many cable things and random stands and buckets Timestamp
Brendan D message Thanks, Brendan D! LDL. Wait wait wait, so the MCM stuff is being discontinued? Timestamp
Tyler F message Thanks, Tyler F! Love you guys have a good night, Dan don't worry about replying save your fingers. Timestamp
Michael M message Thanks, Michael M! Hi DLL! I switched my PC completely over to Linux (NixOS) last year after Microsoft trying to push Copilot. Thoughts on trying a new Linux daily driver challenge with Bazzite or an immutable distro? Timestamp
Theodore T message Thanks, Theodore T! Rebuilding my collection after the LA fires thanks for all the content getting me through. Timestamp
ben M message Thanks, ben M! Has there been any more thought into LTT's survival after Linus passes or moves on? (such as becoming a worker cooperative) Timestamp
ben M reply Reply @ben M! We can all get real jobs Timestamp
Hitiksh D message Thanks, Hitiksh D! Hey i have followed your channel since you were back in the langley house and thank you for making good videos but i would like you to bring back the crazy videos like one PC 7 Gamers if possible. Timestamp
Bryan S message Thanks, Bryan S! Thanks, WAN.DLL, for the Tax write-off Off. The more we buy, the more we save. Timestamp
Richard M message Thanks, Richard M! Really hope the yoga pants come out and sell great. My girlfriend loves your products. Makes it easier for me to buy some too. Timestamp
Lukas A message Thanks, Lukas A! Linus, you say you make good burgers. Big doubt. Put up or shut up. Make some at the Whale LAN. Timestamp
Lukas A reply Reply @Lukas A! He makes good burgs Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Memory, HDD, Case, Fan, PSU, motherboard, etc plush when? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! someone just put a gift card in the chat so i used it to buy this scribedriver, whoever that was thank you very much Timestamp
Frederik H reply Reply @Frederik H! I love medical tech so much Timestamp
Brian R message Thanks, Brian R! Parasocial friends, do merch messages always have to be a question or can they be statements? Is there a piece of retro/not modern tech you use on a frequent basis? Timestamp
Brian R reply Reply @Brian R! Questions yes. Timestamp
Glen C message Thanks, Glen C! Thanks for the sale, any advice for someone looking to develop products coming 3d printing and electronics Timestamp
Dustin T message Thanks, Dustin T! Please stop feeding my nostalgia!! Timestamp
Emile D message Thanks, Emile D! Loved the Magnetic Management featured on LTTSTORE.COM! With the current graphics card apocalypse with the 40 series costing nearly more, should I just wait a couple months to purchase or go for AMD? Timestamp
Elon P message Thanks, Elon P! I have a Chilpad pro is awesome and I don't understand how 8sleep still exists. Timestamp
James W message Thanks, James W! Lan, Duke, and Dinus, love the show, commenting now to watch later. Not sure if this has already been asked, is there a tech hardware product that you regret not trying in its prime? Both old and new? Timestamp
Luis R message Thanks, Luis R! Hi DLL lost the opportunity on Random t shirt by overthinking, the message. 2nd commuter Bp this one is for the Mrs. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi LLD, I work for a large airline in the US setting prices (you're welcome!). Our reservation system was created in the sixties, but is rock solid. Would you review similar tech like punch computers? Timestamp
JAIR P message Thanks, JAIR P! Greetings from Honduras! Just wanted to say hi. Who's next For AMD tech upgrade? Timestamp
JAIR P reply Reply @JAIR P! Surprise for everyone! Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Happy tax exemption day. Hi DLL, just had my second intel cpu burn out (original and replacement) and I've transitioned to AMD, maybe I can get a tax exemption for that too.. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Bachelors of Biotechnology honors student here, long time fan. How is progress on the labs going? Is it going as smoothly and or quick as you would like or have there been major hurdles? -Cheers Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! Pretty tough but it's getting the foundation good Timestamp
Josh H message Thanks, Josh H! Have you ever heard of Virtual Here? It allows for USB over IP and enables remote USB connections over devices like a raspberry pi to a PC. Timestamp
Joshua Carol C message Thanks, Joshua Carol C! Hey LLD, with all the collab products, like FrameWork Hoodie, Glow Circuit or Modmat (Releasing this year, Hopefully) Why not collab with iFixit for the precision driver? Why taint the relationship?? Timestamp
Joshua Carol C reply Reply @Joshua Carol C! Lots of people make small screw drivers Timestamp
Livy W message Thanks, Livy W! What would you refer to someone with limited knowledge on tech to read or listen to for the purpose of increasing their knowledge on he topic Timestamp
Livy W reply Reply @Livy W! It's best to do000000 stuff Timestamp
Krishna A message Thanks, Krishna A! LUKE and Lienus. How do you feel about IPT (Integrated Product Teams) vs regular functional teams. My company just switched to IPTS and I am skeptical. Timestamp
Leandro P message Thanks, Leandro P! Hey LL thanks for the free shipping! I love the WANSHOW! Greetings from Argentina! Timestamp
Mark M message Thanks, Mark M! I am about 90 minutes behind on the WAN show stream, so hello future me! Timestamp
Mark M reply Reply @Mark M! Hello! Your Outie is kind. Your Outie has brightened people's days by merely smiling. Timestamp
Sam S message Thanks, Sam S! How do you feel about google killing off the chromecast? Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Thanks for making cable management easy peassy Timestamp
Michael S message Thanks, Michael S! Message Content (A response from the hosts is not guaranteed) Timestamp
Liam S message Thanks, Liam S! What GPU should I upgrade to if I have a HP with a GTX 1650 and i3 12100f with a 350 watt power supply and 1.5 tb of storage. Mostly play Fortnite and CS2 and Cities Skylines 2. Timestamp
Nick G message Thanks, Nick G! Linus, Luke, and Dan: thanks for entertaining my car rides! Question about the editing team: how do you handle audio editing for all of your videos? Do you have dedicated audio engineers on staff? Timestamp
Nick G reply Reply @Nick G! Most of the editors handle it themselves. But we're moving to have more specialists. Timestamp
Israel D message Thanks, Israel D! Would the LTT logo come off cleanly when using a seam ripper or will there be obvious stitching holes left behind? Hoping it works better for me than the commuter bag, the internal layout is quite odd Timestamp
Scott P message Thanks, Scott P! Looking forward to purchasing the framework pc as a SteamOS machine. Appears to be a more affordable option in Australia than building a new pc. Timestamp
Travis E message Thanks, Travis E! First LTT STORE purchase, very looking forward to getting this... Timestamp
Charles L message Thanks, Charles L! Hello DLL, is there any news about looking into Logitech Harmony replacement remotes, or do you think HDMI CEC (despite its flaws) has ruined hopes of a real replacement ever coming out? Timestamp
Charles L reply Reply @Charles L! I really hope we get something eventually. Timestamp
Stacey U message Thanks, Stacey U! Hey (Linux dll) have y'all seen the beef happening with Linux for macs Timestamp
Joshua H message Thanks, Joshua H! Howdy DLL after Dark, I know that us enthusiasts view the 5000 launch as somewhat of a dumpster fire. Do you it has meaningfully impacted public perception on Nvidia, or is this our bubble of outrage? Timestamp
Nicolas B message Thanks, Nicolas B! good morning from Mauritius! how are LTT employees picked to go on camera? curious to know when new faces get to show their showmanship Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Were you ever inspired by Kevin Rose? I remember The Broken and Systm as one of the first tech video series. Timestamp
Anonymous reply Reply @Anonymous! I was more of a reader -LS Timestamp
Eli A message Thanks, Eli A! Keep up the awesome new merch! Timestamp
Eli A reply Reply @Eli A! ok! -LS Timestamp
Dylan S message Thanks, Dylan S! Are there any updates on a restock for the underwear. I have tried other comparable brands in terms of materials and my LTT pairs outclass the others in all facets. Timestamp
Dylan S reply Reply @Dylan S! still working on it, but it'll take some time -LS Timestamp
Mark W message Thanks, Mark W! As an enterprise storage engineer, is there anything in storage technology development you find exciting? Timestamp
Joseph A message Thanks, Joseph A! good pen. writes words and numbers well. don't eat. Timestamp
Florian E reply Reply @Florian E! I trust our team to choose the best materials for our products, and I'll be honest that I'm not sure exactly what kind of cotton we use -LS Timestamp
Nathan A message Thanks, Nathan A! Any updates on 32" inseam cargo pants stock. Also any recommendations for underwear since yours isn't coming back in stock?¿ Timestamp
Nathan A reply Reply @Nathan A! still on order! And our underwear IS coming back. Just gonna take some time -LS Timestamp
Jakub V message Thanks, Jakub V! Eat my money Linus, the shipping is expensive. I'm right across the border and I got a Ghost Canyon NUC that I could overclock and blow up. JK, I am a long time fan and Canada friendly. Timestamp
Timothy N message Thanks, Timothy N! shoutout acryliks :3, <3 y'all Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Google, Amazon, and Microsoft all released new quantum hardware recently, the space is getting very active. Would you like to coming out for a video about how these chips will impact computing? Timestamp
Benjamin D message Thanks, Benjamin D! Hi Linus and friends. I'm curious if you've heard of Ryan Kluftinger (ryan F9) He makes the best motorcycle content on youtube. He's also canadian so a legendary collab is possible. Thanks! Timestamp
Nick A message Thanks, Nick A! Long time Listener, First time merch messenger. I truly appreciate what you and your company do with creating excellent goods! Thank you for the entertainment and great content! Timestamp
Aleksandar M message Thanks, Aleksandar M! Hello DLL, how do you keep the senior staff motivated and focused on the job especially when they don't agree with the business decision at hand. Timestamp
Malachi A message Thanks, Malachi A! Question for Luke I recently got a pair of budgies what qualities would you look for in a good bird vet and what are some red flags for a bad one, concerned that one might have bumble foot any tips. Timestamp
Josh P message Thanks, Josh P! Hey Inus Uke and An! Bought a black with black shaft LTT screwdriver and have loved it, so I decided to get a precision and some MCM as well while they are on sale. Timestamp
Eric K message Thanks, Eric K! as someone still running a 1080ti because the 30 series were nowhere to be found, 40 series stupid expensive, what would you suggest one to do when you don't have used car money? Timestamp
Eric K reply Reply @Eric K! Play at lower settings. :c Timestamp
Michael W message Thanks, Michael W! If you have a large TV connected to your computer, but you like ultrawide aspect ratios is there a way to tell games that I want it to full screen bottom half of the TV? Timestamp
Michael W reply Reply @Michael W! Not that I know of. :C Timestamp
Michael B message Thanks, Michael B! Hey guys, I just bought a new house and I'm considering solar with a battery backup. What are your opinions on solar and batteries? Love ya guys! Timestamp
Michael B reply Reply @Michael B! 10/10 sick thing. Marco Reps has a system Timestamp
Matthew C message Thanks, Matthew C! Hi Guys, Wan podcast's makes my driving bareable, thanks. Do you look at sponsors for the podcast vs video differently? Timestamp
Matthew C reply Reply @Matthew C! They are different beasts! But often people will buy both types Timestamp
君愷 陳 message Thanks, 君愷 陳 Hi dll. Any cable update? Timestamp
君愷 陳 reply Reply @君愷 陳 Soon Timestamp
Evan P message Thanks, Evan P! Any update on the LTT Modmat? Timestamp
Evan P reply Reply @Evan P! Very soon Timestamp
Grace B message Thanks, Grace B! Hi! My boyfriend has been a long time fan of LTT and ever since he told me that Linus is Swiftie, I've been listing to the WAN Show with him. I want to know what's Linus' favourite Taylor album is. Timestamp
Joel F message Thanks, Joel F! Timestamp
Joel F reply Reply @Joel F! Timestamp
João S message Thanks, João S! Now that it's in vogue to open-source games, what's the next game you'd like to see being open-sourced? Timestamp
João S reply Reply @João S! World of Warcraft Timestamp
Emmeline P message Thanks, Emmeline P! Been Watching for years, Thanks for all the great content Timestamp
Jeff L message Thanks, Jeff L! Fine gentlemen of the tech, with growing chip component integration and disappointing GPU launches, what components do you see available for customization/repairability? Anything new on the horizon? Timestamp
Jeff L reply Reply @Jeff L! I think it's going to get worse when we start soldering ram onto desktop motherboards. Timestamp
Jesus B message Thanks, Jesus B! Smile :) Timestamp
Dylan H message Thanks, Dylan H! Hello Dan, Luke, and Linus. Have you ever dealt with chronic conditions that affected/changed your work capabilities? I had an exciting career in tech, but my growth slowed after getting bit by a tick Timestamp
Dylan H reply Reply @Dylan H! Mostly endless mental health issues for me. Thankfully not physical. At least yet. Timestamp
Dmitri P message Thanks, Dmitri P! :) shout out to CA burritos Timestamp
Kyle E message Thanks, Kyle E! Hello The Talent (pejoratively) and The Talent. Luke, how do you find motivation to do management? As a dev and it looks unrewarding. Thanks for your resolute commitment to transparency/integrity. Timestamp
oscar m message Thanks, oscar m! Deals so good had to get a second offsite laptop bag! Timestamp
Joseph W message Thanks, Joseph W! Are you working on the next big thing (i.e. like the screwdriver, backpack)? Timestamp
Joseph W reply Reply @Joseph W! yesssssssssssssssssssssss. Can't tell you what it is, but it involves POWER-LS Timestamp
john p message Thanks, john p! Hi DLL, what music do you guys like? Timestamp
john p reply Reply @john p! Always love me some T. Swift, but lots of diff things -LS Timestamp
Dan Y message Thanks, Dan Y! Hey LDL, long time LTT fan. Good job on an erroneous Christmas LTTStore gift order, my fiancée got a CPU tee out of it (trust me, bro). She made me an LTT cake for my 40th, did Linus ever see it? Timestamp
Paul S message Thanks, Paul S! Redoing the cable management in my work truck. Seems like a great time to get some more. Banana bread or coffee cake? Timestamp
Paul S reply Reply @Paul S! Coffee cake Timestamp
Rielly C message Thanks, Rielly C! I would love to heard Linus do his best impression of Emperor Kuzco. Thanks. Timestamp
Raphael K message Thanks, Raphael K! Hey you three Musketeers, love the show as always. What happened to the LTT wallet that was shown during a WAN show ages ago? Have a great weekend! Timestamp
Raphael K reply Reply @Raphael K! In development most likely Timestamp
Derick D message Thanks, Derick D! Have Ya'll ever considered dabbling into the industrial automation world? Things like a CompactLogix 5480 (PLC + Windows PC in one unit) or ASEM industrial PCs? FactoryTalk Optix? Timestamp
Derick D reply Reply @Derick D! Yes but it's quite niche Timestamp
Osmany R message Thanks, Osmany R! Hello Darling, Linen, Lumix. How do you think the tariffs would affect electronics? What about refurbished ones? Thanks Timestamp
Osmany R reply Reply @Osmany R! Imports. Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Hi Luke, I'm an engineer at Cloudflare. What's a product or feature you wish we offer but don't? Timestamp
Tariq R message Thanks, Tariq R! Hi Duke, Dinus, and LAN! Moving from Central Florida to Surrey this Summer and wondering what your thoughts are on best local restaurants to eat at! Thanks and have a good weekend! Timestamp
Tariq R reply Reply @Tariq R! Duffins Doughnuts Timestamp
Dawid B message Thanks, Dawid B! You are awesome! Thank you guys for all the tech fun to wind down after work. :) Timestamp
Brien A message Thanks, Brien A! Luke, next time you see your doctor or PT, ask to check your 1st rib alignment & test for a hip/leg length discrepancy, it may be a good place to start 2 root outyour rotator cuff and lower back pain. Timestamp
Brien A reply Reply @Brien A! my rotator cuff and lower back are pretty darn good these days -LS Timestamp
Jeffrey S message Thanks, Jeffrey S! Do you have any updates on the ModMat? Timestamp
Jeffrey S reply Reply @Jeffrey S! not yet. When it comes, it'll come -LS Timestamp
Jason R message Thanks, Jason R! Hey LLD, wondering what are your thoughts on nuclear power from a tech bro perspective? Our world has a growing need for more energy and it seems to be a good choice. Thoughts? Timestamp
Timothy W message Thanks, Timothy W! Hi Lidankulus, I just started as head of IT for a small chain of business. The person I'm replacing had no idea what he was doing and the IT side of this business is a nightmare I have to fix. Advice? Timestamp
Timothy W reply Reply @Timothy W! set realistic expectations with management and make sure you spend some of your time educating about what was wrong and what you're doing. So much of IT is not seen/appreciated -LS Timestamp
Hans S message Thanks, Hans S! Second time using the store! keep the good work, but I would like the prices in CAD (canadian store right?) "Saludos a mi vieja Lorena" Timestamp
Gregory H message Thanks, Gregory H! Hi DLL! Quick question to Linus: what flower lego sets are you recommending? Timestamp
Jeremy S message Thanks, Jeremy S! Big D, lill, medium d, HUGE fan of yall!! Was wondering if perhaps my fav tech team could wish me and my fiancee a happy engagement?!!?!? Jeremy and Brandi from Justin, TX. THanks!!!! Timestamp
Martin M message Thanks, Martin M! Any plans for a maroon bomber jacket? I love mine but it's falling apart. Timestamp
Naing L message Thanks, Naing L! Can't wait to try out the screwdriver! Timestamp
Clayton H message Thanks, Clayton H! Hello, wan team! Would you consider giving Dan more segments on audio tips and how to get the best audio devices and set up? Love your merch! Timestamp
Clayton H reply Reply @Clayton H! The internet yells at me when I have thoughts Timestamp
Jeff V message Thanks, Jeff V! Hey DLL! Are any of you into warhammer or some similar model building hobby? If so waht faction? Timestamp
Jeff V reply Reply @Jeff V! I am! Necron & Eldar Timestamp
Anonymous message Thanks, Anonymous! Got to live WAN show. Yay! Timestamp
Daniel H message Thanks, Daniel H! Hi LLD I really enjoyed the cargo pants but I didn't order a whole bunch when they were available do you recommend just buying some when new products come out or cross my fingers for a restock? Timestamp
Mitch S message Thanks, Mitch S! Hey! What things have you all found to help relieve and/or prevent wrist issues from using a computer all day? Timestamp
Mitch S reply Reply @Mitch S! Good posture. Timestamp
Johnathan J message Thanks, Johnathan J! Hey, Linus Luke and Dan the man! I recently watched your new video on new AMD graphics card. Why do you praise AMD for their Ai Feature s but hate Nivida for theirs? Thanks from Alaska! Timestamp
Johnathan J reply Reply @Johnathan J! Different styles. Timestamp
Christopher W message Thanks, Christopher W! As somebody who has watched since the NCIX days, what would you say is your most janky video and why? Timestamp
Christopher W reply Reply @Christopher W! pizza warming pc maybe lol -LS Timestamp
Charles B message Thanks, Charles B! Really like my new LTT Commuter Backpack! As a partially blind fan who values accessibility, I'd love to see LTT explore improvements to the accessibility of your apps and websites. Timestamp
Charles B reply Reply @Charles B! it's always something that we're working to do better at -LS Timestamp
Jonathan M reply Reply @Jonathan M! Honestly, early Reddit. Timestamp
Yejun K message Thanks, Yejun K! I have way too many hoodies from Creator Warehouse but will I stop buying them? It looks like a no... Timestamp
Travis G message Thanks, Travis G! Hey DLL love your stuff! i was wondering what Linus had in mind when we walked past me at LTX23 in the Whale Lan. with the red and blue Cougar conqueror two PC tower. He said "ummm k" would elaborate? Timestamp
Travis G reply Reply @Travis G! I don't remember sorry -LS Timestamp
Robyn B message Thanks, Robyn B! Please take a deep breath and a sip of water, Dan. You're in the home stretch. You've got this! Timestamp
Aaron T reply Reply @Aaron T! Just not really popular enough -LS Timestamp
Randolph S message Thanks, Randolph S! Love your stuff and very well made. What do you think of the current USA administration? Timestamp
Michael G message Thanks, Michael G! Hey LTT. Any tips for diagnosing potentially failing PSU? I'm getting spontaneous reboots and can't determine what's happening. Love the show! Timestamp
Michael G reply Reply @Michael G! put in a known-good and see if it goes away :( -LS Timestamp
Billy b message Thanks, Billy b! Hey, DLL have a good weekend :) Timestamp
Dakota P message Thanks, Dakota P! Any chance on an LTT fanny pack? Timestamp

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