Name | Type | Text | Timestamp | Image |
mickey M | message | Thanks, mickey M! I am trying to brink back the LAN room at my Local Convention next February, I have never ran a LAN before do you have any tips or tricks that could help? | Timestamp | ![]() |
mickey M | reply | Reply @mickey M! Your message was curated! We will answer it later in the show. | Timestamp | ![]() |
Jonathan H | message | Thanks, Jonathan H! Luke, I called you out on the nvidia eyes. Will we ever get to see your third eye using this technology? -John PaulHutch in FP | Timestamp | ![]() |
Jonathan H | reply | Reply @Jonathan H! He has a fourth eye. | Timestamp | ![]() |
Noah O | message | Thanks, Noah O! Hi, dll.dll! In college, I wrote an essay about Right to Repair, and used the WAN Show as a cited source. What is the most unusual | Timestamp | ![]() |
Noah O | reply | Reply @Noah O! Look mom I'm in a paper | Timestamp | ![]() |
isaac H | message | Thanks, isaac H! Hey, I bought the nofio wireless VR adapter like a year ago, and it was DOA. Support has been absolutely terrible and I still don't have a resolution. What would you do or recommend? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Greetings WAN.DLL. With the Steve Jobs $1 coin nomination in the US, Linus coin when? Also more RTS game on test bench? Stellaris, Age of Empires 4, Company of Heroes 3, etc. | Timestamp | ![]() |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Would love to see some Stellaris on the bench | Timestamp | ![]() |
Joshua O | message | Thanks, Joshua O! Mr. Sebastian, Mr. Lafrenyay, and daddy Dan, I'm trying to get into older JRPGs. Give me your recommendations to start with. | Timestamp | ![]() |
Liz R | message | Thanks, Liz R! Hi DLL, I'm building a PC for my mother in law and she's super impressed with me for the first time ever. Any in-law stories to share? | Timestamp | ![]() |
Liz R | reply | Reply @Liz R! My life ended up as a Jerry Springer episode where my cousin married his kid's mother so now their married kids are also step siblings... | Timestamp |
Samuel K | message | Thanks, Samuel K! Replacement bottle because my first one died today after only a little over a month. The Commuter backpack doesn't securely hold the 40oz bottle. Also, Modmat when? | Timestamp |
Samuel K | reply | Reply @Samuel K! Modmat very soon | Timestamp |
James C | message | Thanks, James C! Hi Wan.dll, a few weeks ago I suggested a Gyarados theme for Luke's next PC build. If that wasn't cool enough to convince Linus then I have another pitch: an ElectroBOOM collab/Pikachu themed case.. | Timestamp |
Roberto P | message | Thanks, Roberto P! With the news of some 5090s missing ROPs, does this change your mind of getting the 5090 yourself and will you also check to see if the card Labs used was affected, if so will you re-run benchmarks? | Timestamp |
Paul W | message | Thanks, Paul W! Hey Wan.DLL, I started playing Anno 1800 based on watching the show, and I love it. Wanted to know if Luke plays on his own at all. I'm a CS Major, I think it's a game for tech nerds/developers. | Timestamp |
Joshua G | message | Thanks, Joshua G! Hello Lionard, Lukas and Dandan, with our southern neighbour starting to impose tariffs on us the canucks what do think will happend with the pricing on PC parts? | Timestamp |
Madison M | message | Thanks, Madison M! Heya DLL & CW, can we expect pride stuff back in June (hopefully with more variants) like the Keyboard pins that were released back in '23 in fun color schemes. Especially w/ the community overlap! | Timestamp |
Madison M | reply | Reply @Madison M! I hope so. I want way more of them. | Timestamp |
Kameron S | message | Thanks, Kameron S! Hey LLD, with the hp support issues being released to the public do you all want to share you tech support nightmares, and do you think laws should be passed to get rid of this problem? | Timestamp |
Kameron S | reply | Reply @Kameron S! OCZ when it was still alive was pretty brutal. So many impossible RMA tickets. I think they will try and bypass the laws as much as they can so maybe will just be a bandaid. | Timestamp |
Bryson T | message | Thanks, Bryson T! Hey DLL! Framework has created a neat ecosystem for creating custom modules. What sort of user made modules would you be interested to see themost? | Timestamp |
Justin P | message | Thanks, Justin P! Hey LLD I really like the home server videos. Any chance yall could do a video on more of the services you can self host on old equipment? Things like ai, VPN (not tailscale) ect. Also MOAR tall plz! | Timestamp |
Justin P | reply | Reply @Justin P! Sounds like a great post for the forum. Would be a sick roundup. | Timestamp |
Luke H | message | Thanks, Luke H! Hello LLD, I am working on a small business and I hate my ISP. Even their business class support is bad. There is no competition and they only offer cable. How do you feel about the ISP industry? | Timestamp |
Luke H | reply | Reply @Luke H! I do NOT like the ISP industry. | Timestamp |
Oswin G | message | Thanks, Oswin G! Hi LLD, I was wondering if you have any advice on getting sponsorships. Things to watch out for and how to become appealing to a company for sponsorships. | Timestamp |
Michael V | message | Thanks, Michael V! Hey Luke! We're working on a fully voiced mod bringing Curse of Strahd to Baldur's Gate 3! A huge passion project. We go public and launch our community server tomorrow. Wish us luck! | Timestamp |
Michael V | reply | Reply @Michael V! Best of luck from all of us here! | Timestamp |
Christopher A | message | Thanks, Christopher A! Any damage from the quake? | Timestamp |
Christopher A | reply | Reply @Christopher A! My chair moved and I'm upset. | Timestamp |
Devin S | message | Thanks, Devin S! Hey LLD! What is the exercise you guys enjoy the most? I enjoy seeing the most weight move so I gravitate towards leg press and calf raise and would love to know your opinions. | Timestamp |
Devin S | reply | Reply @Devin S! They are called Skull Crushers and they are amazing | Timestamp |
Ryan C | message | Thanks, Ryan C! Hey DLL, I'm excited to pick up the commuter backpack! What are everyone's favorite SNES games? | Timestamp |
Ryan C | reply | Reply @Ryan C! F-Zero | Timestamp |
David B | message | Thanks, David B! Hey D L and remote L, How do the credits on videos work? What does each role typically do? (directory, art director, production manager, etc) I see Linus as director of most videos, and was curious. | Timestamp |
Geoffrey C | message | Thanks, Geoffrey C! Hello, WAN Show. Looking forward to seeing a cat (or three) in this comfy CRT. Do you think there's a solution for the growing tech illiteracy among younger people? | Timestamp |
Wyatt C | message | Thanks, Wyatt C! Shalom nwl.dal! Question for all of yall, if YouTube only had two resolutions, 480p60fps or 1080p30fps, which would you choose and why? Thanks! (Ps nwl.dal is just an anagram for wan.dll) | Timestamp |
Wyatt C | reply | Reply @Wyatt C! 1080p 30. Human eye can't see about 24fps anyway | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Linus, Have you ever tried dirtbikeing? | Timestamp |
Jesse L | message | Thanks, Jesse L! Hey Linus, Luke, and Lan! What do you think is the most interesting or consequential lawsuit/legal battle ever related to the tech industry? Curious as to what you guys think was the most important. | Timestamp |
Robert D | message | Thanks, Robert D! Hi Brandon! I got Melissa her Baby Shower gift! Love, Dad | Timestamp |
Jonathan K | message | Thanks, Jonathan K! Hi DLL, I read today that Apple is ending end-end encryption for users in the UK after their gov demanded backdoor access to that data. How do you feel this will affect the battle for user privacy. | Timestamp |
Jonathan K | reply | Reply @Jonathan K! Absolutely dead. | Timestamp |
Ryan B | message | Thanks, Ryan B! Linus. I'm thinking of moving my 13yo son's pc into his bedroom for his birthday. Any suggestions on software or settings to help keep him out of "trouble"? | Timestamp |
Alexandre B | message | Thanks, Alexandre B! Just got my commuter backpack and I love it! Had to grab the tech sack to go with it. | Timestamp |
Nguyen T | message | Thanks, Nguyen T! Hi there!, should i buy the Ryzen 79800x3d right now or should I wait? There are many cases of them dying right now. | Timestamp |
charles T | message | Thanks, charles T! do you guys ever think about doing any content around e-bikes? | Timestamp |
charles T | reply | Reply @charles T! Maybe some ShortCircuits in the future | Timestamp |
Lucas C | message | Thanks, Lucas C! Poggers | Timestamp |
Jacob A | message | Thanks, Jacob A! If you could bring back the "De-google your life" series, what are some services you would want to covered? | Timestamp |
Jacob A | reply | Reply @Jacob A! I wanna know what Calendar would be better. | Timestamp |
Jespe H | message | Thanks, Jespe H! Hello LLD, greetings from sweden! After 10 years, I recently went from an 4460 and GTX 960, to a 14700K and RTX 4070 TiS. What are some of the biggest jumps in technology you have experienced? | Timestamp |
Jespe H | reply | Reply @Jespe H! I went from a 4770 to a 13900k | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Where is the world is Luke (or Waldo)? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Florida | Timestamp |
Antulio R | message | Thanks, Antulio R! With the underwhelming release of 50series, do you think amd and intel are going to pull a ryzen move? Nvidia seems like how intel was before ryzen. | Timestamp |
Antulio R | reply | Reply @Antulio R! Hopefully they can be I'm not sure they can compete. | Timestamp |
marks | message | Thanks, marks! When you want to move up to your bosses position(retiring soon), how would you go about talking to your boss if they are very closed off? Also B&T when? I need a 6xl in the screensaver shirt ASAP | Timestamp |
Caner S | message | Thanks, Caner S! Hey Linus Lukie Luke and Dan, considering the layoffs when do you think the tech employment market will get better? What tech do you see increasing demand? Concerned computer engineering major here :) | Timestamp |
Mason B | message | Thanks, Mason B! Thank you for the updates on the commuter backpack. Can't wait for mine to arrive! (Not this order a previous order) | Timestamp |
Collin M | message | Thanks, Collin M! Metal Screwdriver soonTM? Really enjoying my 7900 xtx - glad I pushed through the FOMO last summer... | Timestamp |
Nate H | message | Thanks, Nate H! Howdy Gentle People, looking for a new bag and wondering if a 16" framework has any chance at fitting in the commuter? I'm not against a shimmy and a shove. Thanks for what ya do, SysAdmin by day. | Timestamp |
Nate H | reply | Reply @Nate H! We'll contact you about this shortly. | Timestamp |
Dan C | message | Thanks, Dan C! Recently you mentioned getting a break from your day to day, I do the same. What kind of things do you three do to give yourself a mental break? | Timestamp |
Charles S | message | Thanks, Charles S! Hello Daddy Linus. How are you the girthy luke and big danny doing? I am moving to Ohio soon to work in as an IT Depot Tech soon. I am exited to be able to start. You have inspired me to go into IT. T | Timestamp |
James D | message | Thanks, James D! Luke, you were talking about going to games at the U of Arizona stadium. Are you aware of the world class large format (8.6m) telescope mirror prod. lab in the "A" located in the stadium? <3 the show! | Timestamp |
Brandon P | message | Thanks, Brandon P! Have you heard of the missing ROP's issue on the 5090's? shipping-with-missing-rop-units-leading-to-less-gaming-performance-report | Timestamp |
Brandon P | reply | Reply @Brandon P! Got a merch message about it. | Timestamp |
Allen T | message | Thanks, Allen T! Good evening Linus, Luck, and Dan. Linus I remember being told in my computer since class that the industry-expected life cycle for technology was 18 months do you think this is still true? | Timestamp |
Allen T | reply | Reply @Allen T! Yep that's still about right. | Timestamp |
Alejandro P | message | Thanks, Alejandro P! Hello, Dan et. al, I recently saw an old clip where y'all played devil's advocate with a wheel and I don't think I've seen it since. Any chance it's coming back, even as an occasional segment? | Timestamp |
Alejandro P | reply | Reply @Alejandro P! Maybe one day. I liked it | Timestamp |
Thomas C | message | Thanks, Thomas C! Hey all, as someone with multiple years of experience in a niche engineering field but no degree I'm struggling to find a new job. Any suggestions for getting past automated resume filters? | Timestamp |
Thomas C | reply | Reply @Thomas C! No idea. We haven't had a real job in decades. | Timestamp |
lan Johlell R | message | Thanks, lan Johlell R! Hey there DLL, what are your thoughts on the idea that a brand of laptop a company uses says about the company? Does this indicator still hold true today vs decades ago? | Timestamp |
lan Johlell R | reply | Reply @lan Johlell R! 100% | Timestamp |
Neil L | message | Thanks, Neil L! PhysX emulator time? | Timestamp |
Dakota G | message | Thanks, Dakota G! What up WAN-folk. Linus, any chance of the other colors for LTT Screwdriver returning once a year for a limited time on the anniversary of its launch? Missed my chance to get it in the iconic orange. | Timestamp |
Dakota G | reply | Reply @Dakota G! I would really hope so. Maybe one day. | Timestamp |
Tommy S | message | Thanks, Tommy S! Hi Dinus, Duke and Lan, I'm always impressed by how up to date you stay with the tech news. What's your preferred news aggregator? P.S. iPhone 16e will do iPhone 16 what Pixel 8a did to Pixel 8. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! LLD, I'm a 38 y/o who never figured out what I want to do when I grow up. Stumbled into a good job, but its not my dream. Do you remember when you identified your calling? Was there a specific moment? | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Still waiting for that to happen... I'm not even sure it's a real thing. | Timestamp |
Félix-Antoine B | message | Thanks, Félix-Antoine B! HI DLL! I noticed a couple more videos with multiple hosts(like that 5080 vid) is this part of the de-linus-ifying of LMG to allow LMG to keep groing without Linus? Also love it when you host Dan! | Timestamp |
Félix-Antoine B | reply | Reply @Félix-Antoine B! I think that's some of the plan yeah. | Timestamp |
Dalton D | message | Thanks, Dalton D! Yo DLL. Ever since QD OLED became a thing, I've been holding out for a 4k ultrawide. So far the closest thing on the horizon is LG's "5k2k" WOLED panels. You think we'll see a QD variant anytime soon? | Timestamp |
Dalton D | reply | Reply @Dalton D! We can only hope. | Timestamp |
SHAYNE S | message | Thanks, SHAYNE S! Hello lie-nes and duke and lan! What keepsakes do you always get when you travel? I do patches and also want to know if I can add them to the commuter backpack! Thank you | Timestamp |
Jordan B | message | Thanks, Jordan B! Hey DLL! Just got my Commuter bag today and love it. Q for Linus - I'd like to be more articulate and well-spoken in client presentations. Do you have any tips on how to improve your public speaking? | Timestamp |
Tim E | message | Thanks, Tim E! Hey DLL, I'm in pursuit of my BS in computer science, and often have a feeling of imposter syndrome. Do any of you ever, or have ever, felt that way? How did you manage it? | Timestamp |
Gabriel C | message | Thanks, Gabriel C! Greetings gents! Any plans to bring back the daily desk calendar? | Timestamp |
Gabriel C | reply | Reply @Gabriel C! Perhaps in the future yeah! | Timestamp |
James R | message | Thanks, James R! What would you think about: in lieu of preorders, offer a special gift card for would- be products that comes with a percent discount IF the product launches. If not, still have reg credit at LTTStore | Timestamp |
James R | reply | Reply @James R! Let LTT Support know! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Other than 'disclaimer: this output may be wrong, how would you test the output of an LMM integrated into a product? | Timestamp |
Nate H | message | Thanks, Nate H! Why do y'all have to make so much cool stuff and make me spend my money. Rude. Thanks for being real WAN.dll Keep the good times rolling. | Timestamp |
Daniel W | message | Thanks, Daniel W! Hey DLL! More tall T's when? | Timestamp |
Wesley M | message | Thanks, Wesley M! Lurker here. DLL, this year I get married and get to welcome my first baby girl. Do you have any life advice/tips for me in my new upcoming journey? Part of me is excited and part of me is scared. | Timestamp |
Alejandro L | message | Thanks, Alejandro L! What are your thoughts on Apple removing iCloud encryption in the UK so that authorities can access customer data? | Timestamp |
Alejandro L | reply | Reply @Alejandro L! Got it as a topic! | Timestamp |
Ahmed K | message | Thanks, Ahmed K! I agree Apple Qa has gone down. I've found the best way to deal with issues like L had, instead of restoring from back up is to set up as a new phone, thn import your stuff back. Backups cause isssues | Timestamp |
Josiah K | message | Thanks, Josiah K! el @D & @LL, loving my commute & bought a 14inch Thinkpad to fit in it. Do you think RTX add-in-cards could be the way forward for AMD? Maybe expandable CAMM module Vram in future gpus? LTX2026? | Timestamp |
Alberto J | reply | Reply @Alberto J! Tariffs are just on the incoming country mostly if I remember correctly. | Timestamp |
Sebastien M | message | Thanks, Sebastien M! Any news about the ModMat? Twas hinted as supposed to be lauched on the recent GN drama, but no news since.... I hoped to avoid double shipping, but framework hoodie is too tempting | Timestamp |
Sebastien M | reply | Reply @Sebastien M! Had some printing issues or something. Will be | Timestamp |
Bharat P | reply | Reply @Bharat P! I think these days it's a lost cause. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! More Canadian more better | Timestamp |
Michael KH T | message | Thanks, Michael KH T! Everyone in the US is being Trumped! | Timestamp |
Jerry C | message | Thanks, Jerry C! Thanks for the great hoodie! Linus, have you ever had any ankle injuries playing badminton? What was your rehabilitation routine like? I had my ankle injury recently and it sucks. | Timestamp |
lan L | message | Thanks, lan L! Hi Lan, Duke, and Dinus! I absolutely love the material in your RGB shirts/hoodie! Hope you restock them and make more (like sweatpants). Also, what are your favorite materials you've used for merch? | Timestamp |
lan L | reply | Reply @lan L! The merino wool was sick | Timestamp |
Cristian B | message | Thanks, Cristian B! I love the quality of LTT merch and this hoodie looks great!! quick question: had issues with shipping in EU, I just wish you would offer more expensive shipping options (yes I want to pay more money) | Timestamp |
Brandon K | message | Thanks, Brandon K! Hey DLL, I'm trying to find options for building out a machine for local LLMs. Doesn't seem like either AMD or Nvidia want to sell graphics cards with large VRAM buffers. Wishing for expandable VRAM! | Timestamp |
Brandon K | reply | Reply @Brandon K! I KNOW Right | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Pretend there is an interesting question here. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! ha ha ha good one you're so smart anon. Great question. | Timestamp |
Adn W | message | Thanks, Adn W! Hey DLL, I've been getting back into reading recently and wondered what life changing books you've read. Thanks for the gift card. | Timestamp |
Adn W | reply | Reply @Adn W! The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle | Timestamp |
Jacob C | message | Thanks, Jacob C! Hello all! As someone with ADHD, it is sometimes hard for me to stay on track. How do you deal with starting and finishing things you don't necessarily want to do? | Timestamp |
Jacob C | reply | Reply @Jacob C! External pressure and stress. | Timestamp |
Koby S | message | Thanks, Koby S! Hello Dan! and luke and linus I guess. What are your your guys' opinions on new smart glasses like the even realities g1's and the overbearing nature of ai features like in the new halliday glasses | Timestamp |
Koby S | reply | Reply @Koby S! I like the AR ones but we're really just waiting on miniaturization. | Timestamp |
Matthew T | message | Thanks, Matthew T! Very new to watching the WAN show! Loving it so far! Are there plans for a case for all the screwdrivers? Also whats your thoughts on the new Sony Bravia Surround sound to replace your old ones? | Timestamp |
Matthew T | reply | Reply @Matthew T! Yes we're planning one. I'm not sure Linus will upgrade much until he's got a video for it. | Timestamp |
Nathan P | message | Thanks, Nathan P! Excited for my new hoodie! What are your thoughts on the movement of Linux in the gaming sphere, given that they've risen in user numbers? | Timestamp |
Nathan P | reply | Reply @Nathan P! I'm really excited what the SteamDeck has done for Linux adoption. It's almost required that new ones are compatible. SteamOS when. | Timestamp |
Charles R | message | Thanks, Charles R! Hello LLD! An alternative to LTT Yacht might be the LTT railcar. It's probably cheaper/easier than you think. Viarail can haul private railcars on their trains. I have a contact if you are interested. | Timestamp |
Christian Cantrell C | reply | Reply @Christian Cantrell C! More powaaaabaybeee | Timestamp |
Jeremy B | message | Thanks, Jeremy B! Just in time for new hoodie, thanks. Coming from an ISP helpdesk, we have been having a bunch of trouble with recent mail clients, both with iOS 18, and "New" Outlook. Any memories of update havoc? | Timestamp |
Jeremy B | reply | Reply @Jeremy B! Anything to do with Visa. | Timestamp |
Forest A | message | Thanks, Forest A! Hey dll, recently our car broke down and we didn't have the money to fix it. It was 2 weeks white knuckling it until payday. Have a better job now. Have any of you ever had a similar experience? | Timestamp |
John W | message | Thanks, John W! Hello from podcastland! I have extra compute resources on my Kubernetes cluster and am looking for things to run on it. Any advice? It can be serious or fun things. Also thanks for the new stickers! | Timestamp |
John W | reply | Reply @John W! Check out the homelab subreddit | Timestamp |
Matthew D | message | Thanks, Matthew D! Any interest in touring a fiber to the home ISP network? We have a few fiber ethernet based (NOT PON) networks in Michigan & Ohio we built and manage. | Timestamp |
Matthew D | reply | Reply @Matthew D! That sounds sick | Timestamp |
Elliott M | message | Thanks, Elliott M! Linas, you always say you want an inexpensive simple smart watch with a week plus battery. Have you used or heard of the Garmin Forerunner series? It seems to hit all the features you want. | Timestamp |
Elliott M | reply | Reply @Elliott M! Yeuh! | Timestamp |
Mauricio H | message | Thanks, Mauricio H! Hi guys, buying a Robot at work, controller has hardware but functions sold separately with software, ex: ethernet works but not industrial protocols, do you think this model will ever end or worsen? | Timestamp |
Mauricio H | reply | Reply @Mauricio H! Worsen. | Timestamp |
Michael R | message | Thanks, Michael R! Merch Message | Timestamp |
Michael R | reply | Reply @Michael R! Reply | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Please stop making cool stuff -my | Timestamp |
Maximilien M | message | Thanks, Maximilien M! Was setting up a Windows machine for the first time in a while, and was frustrated by the anti-consumer experience. What would it take for MSFT to let their customers own their own machines again? | Timestamp |
Maximilien M | reply | Reply @Maximilien M! Absolutely nothing. | Timestamp |
Daniel L | message | Thanks, Daniel L! Wheeeeee magnets! E | Timestamp |
Ezequiel C | message | Thanks, Ezequiel C! HiEd Edd an.. El Ell & Danny I opened a PC repairshop and its finally getting traction Thank you so much for the jumpstart you gave to my love of tech Can you share news on the second channels rework? | Timestamp |
Ezequiel C | reply | Reply @Ezequiel C! Not much movement as of yet | Timestamp |
Justin P | message | Thanks, Justin P! Hey DLL, I watch every week. I have not seen LTT talk about Microsoft Majorana 1 (the Quantum Chip) What are the implications of this new type of computing? | Timestamp |
Justin P | reply | Reply @Justin P! Might cover it next week | Timestamp |
justin r | message | Thanks, justin r! I'm looking at getting my Comptia + and CCNA after working in IT for 6 years without any real networking experience, what cheap/used server equipment should I look for to mess around with as I learn? | Timestamp |
justin r | reply | Reply @justin r! Anything you can nab off of Craigslist or something | Timestamp |
Austin S | message | Thanks, Austin S! Thoughts on making LTT Store badge holder? I'd be interested to see what you all could do with something like that | Timestamp |
Austin S | reply | Reply @Austin S! Maybe in the future | Timestamp |
Erick S | message | Thanks, Erick S! Howdy from Arkansas! Our weather can't seem to make up its mind. What's the warmest jacket/hoodie you recommend for someone who works outside doing bridge maintenance? | Timestamp |
Erick S | reply | Reply @Erick S! Something with down in it | Timestamp |
Mark D | message | Thanks, Mark D! Are you ever going to make any of your clothing merch in non munchkin sizes? At 6'7" tall, linus sized pantaloons and shirts are going to leave me somewhat lacking in coverage? | Timestamp |
Mark D | reply | Reply @Mark D! We're doing tall sizes more | Timestamp |
Nick P | message | Thanks, Nick P! Finally picking up a northern lights desk pad and the legendary screw driver! Thanks for all the content over the years Linus and Luke! | Timestamp |
Anthony H | message | Thanks, Anthony H! Hey LLD, love the show from Australia. Thoughts on the future of physical media with the rise of boutique brands selling 4k discs over studios selling films directly and high costs of streaming subs | Timestamp |
Anthony H | reply | Reply @Anthony H! Piracy seems to be evolving. | Timestamp |
Simon G | message | Thanks, Simon G! Long time fan (been watching for over 10 years). Working on my CS degree and my future career! Dan, what are your favorite headphones? Any headphone hot takes? | Timestamp |
Simon G | reply | Reply @Simon G! The $400 market is the sweet spot for price to performance. More money does not mean more better. I don't like my HD800S much, even if they are technically a fantastic headphone. | Timestamp |
Damon G | message | Thanks, Damon G! Hello DLL. What is your favourite candy? | Timestamp |
Damon G | reply | Reply @Damon G! The little british raspberries with the lumpy bits | Timestamp |
Jonathan D | message | Thanks, Jonathan D! Hey wan.dll! Long time viewer first time mercher. Linus, If your were to buy an old house would you install conduit in the walls for easy cable management or go another route? Cheers! | Timestamp |
Christopher W | message | Thanks, Christopher W! Hey bois, with growing privacy concerns do you guys and/or LTT as an organization use Signal? I feel like it has the most polish among privacy-based chat apps. Also Chrono > FF6 but FFTactics is king | Timestamp |
Christopher W | reply | Reply @Christopher W! We do not. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Is a hotdog a sub? | Timestamp |
Tyler J | message | Thanks, Tyler J! Hey Luke, great seeing you at ZTW. Curious on your take for steps to help combat session token theft. Esp for people like streamers or YouTubers who dont have enterprise tech/security stack. Safe home | Timestamp |
Cameron L | message | Thanks, Cameron L! Hey, just wanted to sing your praise on the screw driver! I work in gas and oil industry and have put it through th ringer and is holding strong. Any idea on when we can expect the fixed shaft drivers | Timestamp |
Cameron L | reply | Reply @Cameron L! Soon.png | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hi switch, hub, and router, why is no one making phones with thick batteries? Why does thinner seem to equal better? | Timestamp |
Samuel W | message | Thanks, Samuel W! No questions, just congrats to Team Canada on winning the 4 Nations Faceoff! | Timestamp |
kelvin s | message | Thanks, kelvin s! Love your apparel more zip up hoodies when? | Timestamp |
kelvin s | reply | Reply @kelvin s! Always | Timestamp |
Matthew B | message | Thanks, Matthew B! Need a whole computer pin set up. I got the missing pixel monitor Love the keyboard pins, we need a tower pin next | Timestamp |
Cristian O | message | Thanks, Cristian O! Hi WAN crew and LMG, just want to say I appreciate you. | Timestamp |
Michael R | message | Thanks, Michael R! I got a new laptop, and I need new stickers, but the party shirt is pretty cool, too. | Timestamp |
Matt P | message | Thanks, Matt P! Hey El Tee Tee friends - Linus, what are your favourite Beat Saber songs and beatmappers? | Timestamp |
Matt P | reply | Reply @Matt P! Extremely difficult ones. | Timestamp |
Steve P | message | Thanks, Steve P! Hey LLD, any plans to restock the 3-pack underwear (orange/blue/black)? Had them for two years, and nothing else holds up as well. Would love more in similar subdued colors! | Timestamp |
Phillip L | message | Thanks, Phillip L! Grabbing a second one to take with me to work! | Timestamp |
Adam W | message | Thanks, Adam W! Hi LLD. I love all the ltt clothing. It's good quality and worth the money. I was however wondering why my 3d down jacket seems to be backwards. The zipper is on the left, inside pocket on the right | Timestamp |
Lucas B | message | Thanks, Lucas B! Heya guys - I can't wait to get the Framework hoodie! I also can't wait for their event on Tuesday. Can we please have more Framework coverage with you and their team members? | Timestamp |
Michael K | message | Thanks, Michael K! Thanks! I appreciate all you guys do! | Timestamp |