Name | Type | Text | Timestamp | Image |
Matthew S | message | Thanks, Matthew S! Merry Christmas LLD. I hope Santa brings everything you want. | Timestamp | ![]() |
sebastian j | message | Thanks, sebastian j! Hi Linus and Luke, Any chances of another Linux challenge, maybe this time longer or using Arch? Anyways would love to see more content like hardware benchmarks or other Linux content. My 3rd bottle | Timestamp | ![]() |
sebastian j | reply | Reply @sebastian j! We recommend posting video ideas in the 'Video Suggestion' section of our forum! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Ryan E | message | Thanks, Ryan E! Hello LLD! Would you ever consider doing a Samsung Dex 30 day challenge? I watched your video on the NexDock and I have had a great experience with mine! Use it every day! * | Timestamp | ![]() |
Lisa H | message | Thanks, Lisa H! Merry Christmas Linus, Luke, Dan and everyone. I love my Breadasaurus shirt it's my favorite shirt you have made. Thanks Sarah. | Timestamp | ![]() |
Lisa H | reply | Reply @Lisa H! | Timestamp | ![]() |
Cody F | message | Thanks, Cody F! Greetings DLL, picked up a screwdriver as a Christmas gift to myself. The wife and I stopped buying each other gifts and instead buy our own gifts within a set budget. Linus, since you've been married | Timestamp | ![]() |
Couly | reply | Reply @Couly That sounds really fun! ** * | Timestamp | ![]() |
Jack T | message | Thanks, Jack T! I just want to shout out Jackson on the Customer support team! They went out of their way to help me with an order issue and I just want to say thank you! Also.... Noctua Screwdriver!!!!! * | Timestamp | ![]() |
Jack T | reply | Reply @Jack T! We will be in touch with you soon. | Timestamp | ![]() |
John Z | message | Thanks, John Z! Excited to add the Luke pin to my Whale Pin Set I got at this past LTX. Any chance at getting my hands on the pins of old staff members that were removed? * | Timestamp | ![]() |
Bryan R | message | Thanks, Bryan R! Hello LLD! What's your worst story about helping family members with new tech gifts? Is there any specific type of tech that seems innocuous just simple that you would never buy a relative as a gift? | Timestamp |
Bryan R | reply | Reply @Bryan R! Got someone a fitbit, didn't know there was no way to turn it off. Super complicated and horrible thing. * | Timestamp |
Keaton E | message | Thanks, Keaton E! Do you have any updates on the LTT precision screwdriver? | Timestamp |
Keaton E | reply | Reply @Keaton E! Still in development. Hopefully coming very early next year. | Timestamp |
Patrick R | message | Thanks, Patrick R! First time catching you guys live love the show have a happy holidays folks * | Timestamp |
Ray M | message | Thanks, Ray M! 1000000000000000000000!!!!!!!! | Timestamp |
Seamus W | message | Thanks, Seamus W! Dan is the man! | Timestamp |
Daniel C | message | Thanks, Daniel C! Hi LLD! I love LTT Store's products, but as a local viewer it's often hard to justify the pricey shipping for such a short distance. Are there any plans to allow in-person merch pickups? * | Timestamp |
Daniel C | reply | Reply @Daniel C! LTT Store Not com has been something discussed. It might eventually become a thing in the future, but it's really unknown right now. * | Timestamp |
Alexander M | message | Thanks, Alexander M! Hello, WAN show! Recently I started CPAP(Sleep) therapy, and the impact on my life has been nothing short of incredible. Has any piece of tech impacted or changed your life in a meaningful way? | Timestamp |
Alexander M | reply | Reply @Alexander M! Those machines are super cool! I think laser eye tech has basically improved my life immeasurably. Basically cured a disorder that used to be incurable 5-10 years ago. * | Timestamp |
Michael A | message | Thanks, Michael A! Hey DLL thanks for the content, Dan how's the D1 player search going? * | Timestamp |
Michael A | reply | Reply @Michael A! !!!!!!!!!!!! No comment. ;) | Timestamp |
Brian N | message | Thanks, Brian N! Hi i love watching WAN show live every week! ** | Timestamp |
Brian N | reply | Reply @Brian N! We love that you watch! <3 * * * | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Dear LLD, I work for a helicopter modification company building EMS and Fire fighting multi role helicopters. Love OG & stubby drivers, adding a BP. Thanks for the years of great content Merry Xmas. | Timestamp |
Peter h | message | Thanks, Peter h! Hi LLD, What appliance or gadget in the home would you not return to a non smart version, ei thermostat. | Timestamp |
Peter h | reply | Reply @Peter h! I'm super into smart lights. That's it. That's all I'll have. Everything else is disgusting. * | Timestamp |
Brandon S | message | Thanks, Brandon S! Sad to hear my backpack will only last 15 years instead of 30, but the point is moot because as soon as there is a V2 I will buy it when/if it is available. Keep up the good work! * | Timestamp |
Benjamin W | message | Thanks, Benjamin W! Yo Linus, metal screwdriver when? Hope to have one in my Luxe bag when I get it. * | Timestamp |
Benjamin W | reply | Reply @Benjamin W! Getting closer!!! * ** ** | Timestamp |
Scott G | message | Thanks, Scott G! Can you leak the next pair of pants ya'll will drop | Timestamp |
Scott G | reply | Reply @Scott G! You want Linus to drop his pants? * * * * | Timestamp |
Jeffrey T | message | Thanks, Jeffrey T! * | Timestamp |
Jeffrey T | message | Thanks, Jeffrey T! Hi DLL! I use my computer for emulation more than I do for PC games. Are there any plans to include emulation benchmarks into MarkBench? Also, what console games will still hold up 30 years from now. * | Timestamp |
Jeffrey T | reply | Reply @Jeffrey T! Not entirely sure what is planned for Labs as it's all still developing. Maybe will become a thing in the future as that's pretty cool! * | Timestamp |
Mitchell D | message | Thanks, Mitchell D! Shoutout to Bill from Buck Knives! Great working with you. -Mitchell from Abtech * | Timestamp |
Shelby M | message | Thanks, Shelby M! First time watching live instead of as a podcast, super excited! Finding myself starting too many personal projects and getting overwhelmed. How do you choose which projects to priortize efforts on? | Timestamp |
Shelby M | reply | Reply @Shelby M! If you find out please let us know... I'm the same way. Basically you have to do some horrible math about how long you have, and want to spend. * | Timestamp |
Jason Daniel S | message | Thanks, Jason Daniel S! I have a moderate DVD/Blu-ray collection and I'm 'worried' about the physical copies. I have a NAS with Plex. What are some good 'backup' tools/software for me to backup my physical Media? 目 * | Timestamp |
Jason Daniel S | reply | Reply @Jason Daniel S! Probably going to get us in trouble if we answer that... * | Timestamp |
Christopher K | message | Thanks, Christopher K! Hi.dll! Any big lab updates? * | Timestamp |
Christopher K | reply | Reply @Christopher K! Not at the moment! * | Timestamp |
Laefer L | message | Thanks, Laefer L! Got a Christmas Bonus can finally afford the LTT backpack. I live in Canada so add 20% to the price. When is the electro boom upgrade video coming out? | Timestamp |
Laefer L | reply | Reply @Laefer L! In editing right now! | Timestamp |
Matthew W | message | Thanks, Matthew W! Happy nearly Christmas! | Timestamp |
Eleazar D | reply | Reply @Eleazar D! Will hopefully have them back as soon as possible! | Timestamp |
gary h | message | Thanks, gary h! Why no combo deal for pins. | Timestamp |
gary h | message | Thanks, gary h! Are you planning on reviewing the gpd win mini. * | Timestamp |
gary h | reply | Reply @gary h! Might be in the future. Not sure what we have on the go right now. * ملا T | Timestamp |
Daniel J | message | Thanks, Daniel J! Y'all are the source of my pin addiction. | Timestamp |
Mike B | message | Thanks, Mike B! Merry Christmas LLD! ** * | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hey, LLD, I just got my Xreal Air 2 Pro glasses, have you considered daily * driving a glasses based external display? I've been enjoying using mine with my Steam Deck. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! would absolutely love to try that. But I don't think the tech is like really there yet V | Timestamp |
Manuel Bi* | message | Thanks, Manuel Bi* * G'Timezone, how many Tech "Things" have you all broken and which one hurt the most? * | Timestamp |
Manuel B | reply | Reply @Manuel B! I dropped a drill onto my Samsung phone. It just kind of, fell over. Drill bit right through the center of the screen. :c | Timestamp |
daniel p | message | Thanks, daniel p! Working on my nas, do you recommend going with fewer large drives or more smaller drives (currently have 24 tb and debating whether to go 18-20tb drives or just add more 8tb) | Timestamp |
daniel p | reply | Reply @daniel p! Try posting in the 'New Builds and Planning' section of our forum! E | Timestamp |
Hunter F | message | Thanks, Hunter F! Hello LLD! First time shopper, long time fan. Currently finishing my degree in Data Analytics & Cybersecurity, struggling a bit with imposter syndrome and not feeling cut out or capable. Any tips? | Timestamp |
Hunter F | reply | Reply @Hunter F! Pirate Software over on YouTube has a wonderful short on the topic. Good luck... | Timestamp |
Frederik B | message | Thanks, Frederik B! Hi LLD, can we expect some more car content in the near future? As all brands stuffing so much computer inside of their cars. Merry Christmas! * * | Timestamp |
Frederik B | reply | Reply @Frederik B! We're hoping for a whole car channel! | Timestamp |
Jaden G | reply | Reply @Jaden G! My understanding is he just dumped a bunch of money on them and then ran away. He's talked about it before. * | Timestamp |
Adam T | message | Thanks, Adam T! As someone who regularly buys youtuber products, how many dollars would I need to spend to balance the $ missed because I use adblock? Would this be considered even trade? | Timestamp |
Adam T | reply | Reply @Adam T! That is a super interesting question that I'm thinking only Google might know the answer to. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hi LLD got an iPhone 15 pro and found out I'm PWM sensitive which causes headaches due to OLED is this something you would do a techquickie on as there seem to be no information on this love the * | Timestamp |
Jackson C | message | Thanks, Jackson C! Are there any plans to expand the office ware line of merch past the polo and button? | Timestamp |
Jackson C | reply | Reply @Jackson C! We'll let you know more details soon. ** | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! * good evening DLL, do you have an update on the Jacket Trip Giveaway ** * | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! More info coming very very soon. ** | Timestamp |
Melissa R | message | Thanks, Melissa R! Thank you for more pins!!! * T | Timestamp |
John A | message | Thanks, John A! Merry Christmas and happy Boxing day. | Timestamp |
Enrique C | message | Thanks, Enrique C! Hey lld! Viewer since ncix, If you had to start your YouTube career from O now, what will be the advice you will give yourself to accelerate growth? Thanks for years of entre * | Timestamp |
Enrique C | reply | Reply @Enrique C! Linus and Luke have answered this before, check out our channel LMG Clips! * | Timestamp |
Lukas A | message | Thanks, Lukas A! Merry Christmas guys! Seeing that Linus color codes his bits with different color screwdrivers, do you have any suggestions for color coding cable ties? | Timestamp |
Lukas A | reply | Reply @Lukas A! All you gotta do is pick a system and stick to it. | Timestamp |
Justin G | message | Thanks, Justin G! More specialty bit sets coming? Bits like the Apple Pentalobe, the Nintendo "Gamebit", inverted torx, etc. I would definitely be interested in "Gamebit". Could maybe do Retro Screwdriver bundle??? | Timestamp |
Justin G | reply | Reply @Justin G! Always working on more! | Timestamp |
David D | message | Thanks, David D! Merry Christmas! What is your favourite Christmas movie and why is it The Muppet Christmas Carol? * V | Timestamp |
David D | reply | Reply @David D! Brazil (1985) | Timestamp |
Nichole L | message | Thanks, Nichole L! Hi mom * | Timestamp |
Eric R | message | Thanks, Eric R! DLL, I'm a 23year old starting a career in legacy media digitization for large companies. It's both audio and video formats from 1960 to 2000. Is legacy media worth investing my early work experience? | Timestamp |
Eric R | reply | Reply @Eric R! 5 years ago, no. Now, almost probably would be. | Timestamp |
Forrest T | message | Thanks, Forrest T! Hi Linus, My Christmas wish is a shirt or jacket from with sleeves that fit my freakishly long arms. Can you share any updates on the timeline for lanky boi sizes? - A long time fan * | Timestamp |
Forrest T | reply | Reply @Forrest T! YEAH LINUS WHERE ARE THEY. (They are working on it. Very soon.) * | Timestamp |
Travis P | message | Thanks, Travis P! Shout out to Tekmeister!!! | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I still have orders from Black Friday that didn't ship.. Why does the processing take so long? Now people won't get their screw drivers :( ** * | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Reach out to support. | Timestamp |
Justin R | message | Thanks, Justin R! Stubby with $25 off from trusting a bro, yes please. * | Timestamp |
Luke M | message | Thanks, Luke M! Hello wan.dll! Linus, I heard you talk about Chained Echoes on the show a while back and picked it up for myself. I am enjoying it so far but what's something you liked/didn't like about it? | Timestamp |
Luke M | reply | Reply @Luke M! Talking about it right now! * | Timestamp |
Tony H | message | Thanks, Tony H! Hey LLD! I saw some of your videos on 3D printing, any future plans on showcasing really high end printers that use metal/Carbon fiber filament? love to see some cool 3D printed merch on the store. * | Timestamp |
Tony H | reply | Reply @Tony H! Our pantheon does carbon fiber and is something like $6k. And we've also done videos on our metal 3D printer too! ** | Timestamp |
Hunter G | message | Thanks, Hunter G! Hey DLL! Have to buy a new Screwdriver because someone stole my work tools from my truck. What's the worst thing you've ever lost or had stolen? | Timestamp |
Hunter G | reply | Reply @Hunter G! I lost my childhood saxophone... got broken into. Makes me * really sad. | Timestamp |
Joshua C | message | Thanks, Joshua C! Hey Linus, Dan & Man with the Face Pin, Was there ever a product you reviewed or used where you went like, "They should have known better!"? Basically Experienced Company, Dumb Product. | Timestamp |
Joshua C | reply | Reply @Joshua C! Almost every single thing I touch. | Timestamp |
Adam G | message | Thanks, Adam G! Hey DLL, Figured this was the perfect time to pick up a water bottle to go with my BP. Really appreciate the TMB voucher for getting a single layer BP. Certainly not necessary but much appreciated! | Timestamp |
Christina C | message | Thanks, Christina C! Hello LLD Any ETA on the failed shaft pens | Timestamp |
Christina C | reply | Reply @Christina C! Getting excitingly close. * | Timestamp |
Jordan L | message | Thanks, Jordan L! Loved the ASL discussion last week! I actually took my first ASL class this fall! Aside from cochlear implants, what new tech do you think may help deaf and hearing people communicate with each other? | Timestamp |
Joshua C | message | Thanks, Joshua C! Alright Gents... As 3 strapping lads with glorious facial hair, I need advice on starting to grow a beard and maintaining it. Any recommendations or tips for me? | Timestamp |
Joshua C | reply | Reply @Joshua C! Just stop cutting it. But you're going to look absolutely horrible for a good month or so. Oil without synthetic lubricans. Comb ** | Timestamp |
Alek K | message | Thanks, Alek K! Growing up with PS1 games and all this talk of episodic/expansions. Do you think updatable game files are a blessing or a curse? * * * | Timestamp |
Alek K | reply | Reply @Alek K! I think I'm going with... it's complicated. Games are so massive now I think it's impossible to get everything perfect. But that ends up as an excuse to launch broken stuff. | Timestamp |
Kyle H | message | Thanks, Kyle H! Hey DLL, wishing you all a Merry Christmas. Linus - last week you mentioned that the meme face mouse pad sold poorly, just want you to know that mine sits proudly on my work desk for all to see. | Timestamp |
Max B | message | Thanks, Max B! How long will Pins - Series 3 be on sale for? Wrong side of Christmas to buy them all. * * | Timestamp |
David H | message | Thanks, David H! * Linus, I love where you're going with screwdrivers, but, watching your video on the prototype long/thin screwdrivers will you ever consider swappable bits? * | Timestamp |
David H | reply | Reply @David H! Maybe in the future | Timestamp |
Francisco M | message | Thanks, Francisco M! Debate: If an O'Reilly computer book is read for fun, is it considered a book or a textbook? * * | Timestamp |
Francisco M | reply | Reply @Francisco M! All books are textbooks. They are books of text. :V | Timestamp |
Kyle H | message | Thanks, Kyle H! Picking up the mystery driver with the backpack discount. I've order all the color waves so far... what's coming after noctua and metal? * | Timestamp |
Kyle H | reply | Reply @Kyle H! Lux. | Timestamp |
Nicholas K | message | Thanks, Nicholas K! In the future will there be any "owned" programs or will it all be SaaS? | Timestamp |
Nicholas K | reply | Reply @Nicholas K! I sure as heck hope we'll still get to own something....... | Timestamp |
Nick G | message | Thanks, Nick G! Just flying back from Disney on my honey moon Linus what did you and your wife do for your honeymoon and have you built a light saber yet? * | Timestamp |
Robert N | message | Thanks, Robert N! Messenger bag soon?!?! All these pins would look pretty sweet on one! | Timestamp |
Robert N | reply | Reply @Robert N! ASAP | Timestamp |
MORGAN K | message | Thanks, MORGAN K! I'm seeing if my husband notices me buy him a Christmas gift! | Timestamp |
Isaac R | message | Thanks, Isaac R I'm stoked to grab a Luke pin. Got handed a James one during LTX this year, so that's neat! | Timestamp |
Patrick S | message | Thanks, Patrick S! DLL, What do you guys think about Apple not being able to sell their watches in the US? * ** | Timestamp |
Patrick S | reply | Reply @Patrick S! Heck yeah | Timestamp |
Jonathan R | message | Thanks, Jonathan R! Good use of the money I got back from the backpack. *** * | Timestamp |
Jeff S | message | Thanks, Jeff S! Does LTT have an internal policy for Al usage? My company is rolling one out soon, and while I understand why, it scares folks away from leveraging the tech. * | Timestamp |
Jeff S | reply | Reply @Jeff S! Not really right now. It's honestly kind of useless for a lot of us. * | Timestamp |
Mark W | message | Thanks, Mark W! Happy Holidays LDL. If you could inhabit one video game universe, which one and why? *7 | Timestamp |
Mark W | reply | Reply @Mark W! Silent Hill | Timestamp |
Shelby C | message | Thanks, Shelby C! I bought it hun buy the Luke one merry Christmas I love you | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Most memorable Christmas as a kid? ג | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous!* A dog bit me. ** | Timestamp |
Michael G | message | Thanks, Michael G! Hey DLL, I work in the hearing aid industry and one of big new things now is Bluetooth Low Energy Audio and Auracast. What are your thoughts on the BLEA | Timestamp |
Michael G | reply | Reply @Michael G! I hear (sorry) the batteries are terrible. So that's pretty exciting that the technologies are increasing it. I love medical tech so so much. * | Timestamp |
Russell H | message | Thanks, Russell H! Pins! | Timestamp |
Peter S | message | Thanks, Peter S! Hi WAN Show, greetings from austria. I am looking to buy a handheld for productivity and gaming is there a chance we will get a comparison between the current options (Deck, Ally, Legion Go, GPD, ...) | Timestamp |
Jimmie H | message | Thanks, Jimmie H! Woot! More rainbow pins | Timestamp |
Luis D | message | Thanks, Luis D! Hello DLL. First time buyer, long time viewer. Any updates on when the WAN hoodie will be available again? I've been waiting for it with my Christmas bonus in hand. Greetings from Mexico. | Timestamp |
Luis D | reply | Reply @Luis D! Not for a while probably. | Timestamp |
Nicholas K | message | Thanks, Nicholas K! Hey Dan, Luke, and Linus! Do any of you have a favorite discontinued food or beverage? I dearly miss so many food products | Timestamp |
Nicholas K | reply | Reply @Nicholas K! Cavendish bananas ** * | Timestamp |
Jordan H | message | Thanks, Jordan H! How much is too much to spend on a single game for DLC (new content not skins) for yourselves? I.e. The numerous routes and trains available for Train Simulator or sims expansions | Timestamp |
Jordan H | reply | Reply @Jordan H! If it makes you happy, go for it. :) * | Timestamp |
Emmanuel S | message | Thanks, Emmanuel S! 4k WAN show when? | Timestamp |
Emmanuel S | reply | Reply @Emmanuel S! No where supports it | Timestamp |
James T | message | Thanks, James T! HI DLL, Question for Dan. During the "I gave money to criminals" video with Dankpods, how much did those products hurt you inside? * | Timestamp |
James T | reply | Reply @James T! It made me sad more than anything. Just like... sad. | Timestamp |
Justin't! * | message | Thanks, Justin't! * When are the monitor pet bed releasing? * * | Timestamp |
Justin L | reply | Reply @Justin L! Hopefully soon | Timestamp |
B | message | Thanks, B Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Any plans to make future pin drops as bundle options like with series 2? | Timestamp |
Shawn C | message | Thanks, Shawn C! Just wanna say thanks to the big D in LLD, love all you do and your witty commentary. Keep doin' you Boo. | Timestamp |
Mirco S | message | Thanks, Mirco S! Will the Noctua screwdriver be available in the Noctua store in future so that europeans could perhaps get them faster (if not cheaper) * | Timestamp |
Max V | message | Thanks, Max V! Are we going to see more on-location videos soon? (Factories, R&D labs, data centers, etc) There seems to be a lack of those kinds of videos lately. * | Timestamp |
Max V | reply | Reply @Max V! They are really really difficult to get done. Maybe one day we hope. * | Timestamp |
Jared R | message | Thanks, Jared R! Hey LLD, recently at my work, we had a bug with IBM hardware that stopped us from using a GUI to make changes. What's the biggest bug that's stopped something in your guys' production? * | Timestamp |
Jared R | reply | Reply @Jared R! premiere pro like, every day. ** | Timestamp |
Andrew M | message | Thanks, Andrew M! Hey LLD, Picking up the new pin, I noticed that the link for the bundle of pins doesn't seem to be live yet. Also is there an update on the bread plush. BREAD! BREAD! BREAD! BREAD! BREAD! BREAD! | Timestamp |
Andrew M | reply | Reply @Andrew M! Nothing yet! A | Timestamp |
Gary K | message | Thanks, Gary K! Backpack discount made me do it | Timestamp |
Eduardo C | message | Thanks, Eduardo C! Merry (soon to be) Christmas to WAN staff. I'd like to know your thoughts on internet speeds/prices, I've seen that some countries have to pay a set amount of data, over here @ Mexico we pay for spee * * ** | Timestamp |
Eduardo C | reply | Reply @Eduardo C! Some parts of Canada are pretty mixed. Here I only pay for speed. Mines about $200 a month. * | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hello DAN show. Dan do you ever think about having other guests than Luke and Linus? Maybe mix it up someday? * * | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Nope! This show is for Linus and Luke. Guests are extremely rare. * * * | Timestamp |
Kevin V | message | Thanks, Kevin V! Linus's intentional trolling regarding "episodic" games as acceptable when they're just an excuse to half-a$$ content makes me a sad panda. * | Timestamp |
Lloyd L | message | Thanks, Lloyd L! Hey Dan, and I guess Luke and Linus, What are your thoughts on ShareWare? The concept of paying little or nothing for a small/short first level along side having a full retail version?? * | Timestamp |
Lloyd L | reply | Reply @Lloyd L! I really miss those days. | Timestamp |
Dominick R | message | Thanks, Dominick R! Hey DLL, do you think we'll see any major shift in hard drive, SSD or cloud storage that might bring costs down? My NAS is getting old but high capacity pricing has been flat for a long time now. * * | Timestamp |
Dominick R | reply | Reply @Dominick R! That is almost exactly how it works. Price kinda stays the same and the numbers just go up. * | Timestamp |
Shea B | message | Thanks, Shea B! Hey LLD! Love the show! love the content (long time audience member since the Langley house). What future projects are you most excited for in the next few years? * | Timestamp |
Shea B | reply | Reply @Shea B! Certainly getting lab online. * | Timestamp |
Zachary l | message | Thanks, Zachary l! Hello to the whole team... Will there be a WAN Show on holidays? 2026 Christmas lands on a Friday! Love you all & Thank you for the great gifts:) | Timestamp |
Zachary | reply | Reply @Zachary !! You know it. * | Timestamp |
Dylan M | reply | Reply @Dylan M! I wanted to know how much they lied. No one will destroy a $900 device they bought to see. It's a rare opportunity. I think honestly it just made me deeply sad more than angry. | Timestamp |
Frédéric C | message | Thanks, Frédéric C! New pins!! Happy Holidays to everyone at LMG and kudos to everyone working so hard to fulfill our orders!! | Timestamp |
Wyatt P | message | Thanks, Wyatt P! Hello DLL, 3rd time requesting a short shaft long handled screwdriver. I need to use long/thin shank bits. * | Timestamp |
Daniel G | message | Thanks, Daniel G! Since ASL was brought up and now that hearing aids (in the US at least) are now sold OTC, does LTT have any plans to incorporate them in quick reviews? I volunteer as a hard of hearing technerd! | Timestamp |
Daniel G | reply | Reply @Daniel G! Not sure at the moment! I know we're not thinking about medical devices for labs. Might be a cool thing to look at. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hello LTT!! How has the backpack debacle impacted how testing is now done for new products, and who tests the products or LABS or the creator wear-house team. Happy Early Merry Christmas! * | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Will probably have more info coming out on this * | Timestamp |
Matthew D | message | Thanks, Matthew D! I work for a small action sports shoe company (We own our own factory in Colombia). We use synthetic leathers/suedes made for a Central American Military. What "suede" your selection of apple | Timestamp |
Adam H | message | Thanks, Adam H! Heyo DLL, any updates on LTT cable management clip availability? My standup desk is jonesing for some magnetically held cable runs to tame the mess. ** | Timestamp |
Samuel P | message | Thanks, Samuel P! Hi DLL I'm attending CES for the first time as a PM with significant purchasing power. I'm in my mid 20s, introverted and don't drink, but have been invited to several afterparties with vendors. Tips? | Timestamp |
James V | message | Thanks, James V! Keep the content goooooing! Happy Holidays! Any updates on the old pc equipment signature lottery? | Timestamp |
Aiden C | message | Thanks, Aiden C! Week 3 (I think) of asking for gold screw driver, Linus, what would it take for you to actually make a gold version of the screwdriver? Hi Dan! ** | Timestamp |
Aiden C | reply | Reply @Aiden C! Probably a nervous breakdown. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! I'm using the backpack discount! Any plans for daily work bags? Laptop, some 20 pages letter size loose paper, 40oz ltt bottle, a mug, lunch boxes and ice packs. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! Always working on new stuff. Hopefully one day | Timestamp |
Krystof L | message | Thanks, Krystof L! Happy Holidays Dan, Linus and Luke! | Timestamp |
Merhasidk H | message | Thanks, Merhasidk H! Yo, are you able to put 2 shaft extenders on the screwdriver for a very very long shaft? * ksk | Timestamp |
Merhasidk H | reply | Reply @Merhasidk H! Why not 3 | Timestamp |
Andres A | message | Thanks, Andres A! Hi DLL, What would be a better purchase Rog Ally 512gb for 599 or steam deck oled 512gb for 549, BTW have you seam the prices of black shaft on ebay? * | Timestamp |
Shawn M | message | Thanks, Shawn M! * Hey, wan.dll super bummer about the 15-year hoodie delay. has there ever been a product on that almost didn't happen but you're glad it did? ** * * | Timestamp |
Jamie Y | message | Thanks, Jamie Y! Hey DLL, Dan, awesome delivery on my merch msg last week for the tall shirts in all caps lol. And to go with the question/convo about colours, it doesn't matter, we just want tall LTT shirts. 3XLT pls | Timestamp |
Jamie Y | reply | Reply @Jamie Y! SEE LINUS. THEY WANT THEM TOO. We twisted Linus' arm a bit and got him to move on it faster. * | Timestamp |
Ryan S | message | Thanks, Ryan S! Hello LLD The broken RGB shirt arrived recently and I have to say I think the material on it is actually your best one yet. I hope you make more Like it. | Timestamp |
Jacob B | message | Thanks, Jacob B! Hi Dan! Your chaos and deconstructive ability is always a treat. Does LMG intend to sell or distribute anything with the 3d printed projects or files produced for filming? *: | Timestamp |
Jacob B | reply | Reply @Jacob B! We're looking into distributing more 3D files. 100% * | Timestamp |
McKenzie S | message | Thanks, McKenzie S! Are their any plans for new scrapyard wars. Would be awesome if you brought float plane subscribers to be the ones picking and negotiating prices. * * | Timestamp |
Colin J | message | Thanks, Colin J! Hey Linus if you are still enjoying beat saber but hate the constant updates breaking mods you should try bs manager it can even install mods Only problem is it wants your steam password | Timestamp |
Colin J | reply | Reply @Colin J! Oh that's a bit of a... thing * | Timestamp |
James S | message | Thanks, James S! Please dont tell my wife what i purchased... What have you bought you couldnt tell your spouse/sig other about? | Timestamp |
James S | reply | Reply @James S! This is... probably not something I should type into this box. * | Timestamp |
David J | message | Thanks, David J! New Carabiners,Screwdriver Extension, Floatplane Pin, Screwdriver Pin, aaand $5 off a 4th Desk pad...... in exchange for a second bottom to my backpack?!?! Ill take that deal any day!! * | Timestamp |
Brian F | message | Thanks, Brian F! Will you ever hire US-based salespeople? | Timestamp |
Brian F | reply | Reply @Brian F! What would they sell? * | Timestamp |
Diego R | message | Thanks, Diego R! Hey DLL, love y'alls work! Making my first purchase to shout out my favorite restaurant in Rome, Antica Bohéme! Linus, if you ever go back, you should give them a try. | Timestamp |
Thomas W | message | Thanks, Thomas W! Thanks for the credit, keepin the backpack, but hey, another mystery flannel, i'm ok with this :) * | Timestamp |
Quoc N | message | Thanks, Quoc N! Season's greetings LLD, Have you considered doing a video on alternative car infotainment systems using a pc or android desktop mode. The only pc car infotainment I have found used a Celeron. * | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hey LLD, loving the screwdriver that i got. would you ever consider releasing tools for more niche hobbies? would love Plastic model nippers with the same overall quality as the screwdriver. | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! * Maybe one day! We always are working on more products. * | Timestamp |
Gabriel L | message | Thanks, Gabriel L! Hi LLD, Hope you all have a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Thanks for all the fun, laughs, and great tech content! * | Timestamp |
dean v | message | Thanks, dean v! Hi Linus, Do you see the Cable Management tools releasing before the $25 backpack coupon expires? or are there any plans to extend the coupon? Seems a very short amount of time before it expires | Timestamp |
dean v | reply | Reply @dean v! Reach out to support for that one. ** | Timestamp |
David K | message | Thanks, David K! Hey Luke Linus and Dan. Luke, how do you manage to stayed focused on eating healthy around this time of year with the holidays? Merry Christmas to you all | Timestamp |
David K | reply | Reply @David K! He mostly only eats the same thing always. | Timestamp |
Peter T | message | Thanks, Peter T! Shouts out * | Timestamp |
Christopher M | message | Thanks, Christopher M! LTT Socks, Jeans/Kackis when? Stay awesome LMG/Creator Warehouse/Labs! V * * * | Timestamp |
Matthew K | message | Thanks, Matthew K! Hi Dan, Luke, and Linus. Just wanted to say it's been a busy time for me, but the Audiophile video with Dankpods had some of my favorite moments this week. Especially Dan's reactions. Sorry Dan. * * | Timestamp |
Annie B | message | Thanks, Annie B! Happy Holidays to everyone at LTT and to you, my darling Chris. I love you and our adorable cats more than I could ever say. | Timestamp |
Michael P | message | Thanks, Michael P! summer wedding next year, any chance LTT can video water calling a tux. i have faith in your jedi masters of jank on this one. Love the merch and content | Timestamp |
Artie L | message | Thanks, Artie L! Hi LLD, randomly driving from the Niagara Buffalo region of NYS What's the longest you've ever driven for no reason. | Timestamp |
Artie L | reply | Reply @Artie L! With the price of gas?! | Timestamp |
Danielle M | message | Thanks, Danielle M! I am with Linus. Rome was an awesome city... except for the pizza. * * * | Timestamp |
Anonymous | message | Thanks, Anonymous! Hot take or cold? In an alternate world where 16:10 is the standard, PC manufacturers would make 16:11 monitors, and tech guys would say 16:11 is the golden ratio and 16:10 was a mistake. Thoughts? * | Timestamp |
Anonymous | reply | Reply @Anonymous! 4:3 remains the standard and super ultrawide are considered 16:9 * | Timestamp |
Samuel L | message | Thanks, Samuel L! My wife wants to know if there is any pink or girly mousepads on the way. She's jealous of my ltt deskpad but wants a cuter design. Any chances? * | Timestamp |
Billy b | message | Thanks, Billy b! HEY DLL merry holidays and hows the NAS software coming? * | Timestamp |
Billy b | reply | Reply @Billy b! No info | Timestamp |
Michael S | message | Thanks, Michael S! Would love to hear your take on the EU law eidas article 45. They have been on a roll with good ones lately, this one gives me the ick. Looking forward tobtrying the undies! | Timestamp |
Alex M | message | Thanks, Alex M! Just wanted to say thanks for reviewing the wing. I was unironically considering getting one just because of how boring and samey phones are now. Was general consumer advice for me. | Timestamp |
Zachary S | message | Thanks, Zachary S! Whats up with the RGB shirt not shrinking like other LTT merch | Timestamp |
Ryan S | message | Thanks, Ryan S! Thank you for everything! | Timestamp |
Morgan K | message | Thanks, Morgan K! Hello from the states! * | Timestamp |
Brandon M | message | Thanks, Brandon M! Will there be Dinosaur Merch available in the near future? | Timestamp |
Brandon M | reply | Reply @Brandon M! You can expect to hear from us shortly. | Timestamp |
Christopher H | message | Thanks, Christopher H! Hey LLD, what are your plans for the holidays? ** * | Timestamp |
Nic M | message | Thanks, Nic M! Hey! Long time viewer, first time buying from the LTT store. I'm as much of a tech/game nerd as the next guy, but also enjoy a good board game. What's your favorite board game? TTRPG? * | Timestamp |
Nic M | reply | Reply @Nic M! Splendor! | Timestamp |
Mckay T | message | Thanks, Mckay T! Hello DLL, Is there a genre of game you would like to see a game done as excellent as Baldur's Gate 3? * | Timestamp |
Mckay T | reply | Reply @Mckay T! All of them????????????? ??? | Timestamp |
Gregory S | message | Thanks, Gregory S! Luke, do you still watch The Yard. Currently binging the whole show and love whenever you guys come up. Hope the barn was empty though * | Timestamp |
Anya B | message | Thanks, Anya B! Hi After Dark WAN show. Do you plan to attend any conventions/trade shows in 2024? | Timestamp |
Anya B | reply | Reply @Anya B! Nothing planned right now! ** | Timestamp |
Mike D | message | Thanks, Mike D! Merry Christmas LLD! Of the three of you, who is the hardest to choose gifts for and why? I hope you and your loved ones have a great holiday! * | Timestamp |
Dominic F | message | Thanks, Dominic F! Hi LLD, just picked up some new things for my software dev internship starting in a couple weeks. What are some skills/habits to work on now as someone new to the field to increase my value as a dev? * | Timestamp |
Dominic F | reply | Reply @Dominic F! It may seem odd but communication, follow through, make life easy for the people around you... and you'll be accepted! -LL | Timestamp |
Lara M | message | Thanks, Lara M! Hi DLL, tegarding luxe backpack, are you ordering small batches or are they actually made to order. If it is small batch, have you placed the first order for them? * | Timestamp |
sals | message | Thanks, sals! So Linus, what's your Titan Fall 2 update * | Timestamp |
Christopher B | message | Thanks, Christopher B! Have you thought about doing whole home RGB? Using RGB strips to have exterior lights programmable for any holiday. * | Timestamp |
sals | reply | Reply @sals! He finished the game and very much enjoyed it! -LL | Timestamp |
Robert B | message | Thanks, Robert B! Hello WAN Crew. Question for Linus. What are some of the oddest or most interesting problems that you have had with your smart home setup? Odd dropout reasons, things not talking to eachother, etc. * | Timestamp |
Zanson W | message | Thanks, Zanson W! K* Long time fan, can't wait to try out the screwdriver. Hope y'all have a great holiday. | Timestamp |
bruce r | message | Thanks, bruce r! Linus, have you played golden sun and the sequel for GBA? It's one of the best rpgs I've played. Also looking forward to my first ltt screwdriver! Work in building maintenance. * | Timestamp |
bruce r | reply | Reply @bruce r! I haven't, but I have heard good things -LS | Timestamp |
Joel C | message | Thanks, Joel C! Most of the fun of Scrapyard Wars was in watching how you obtained the items. When will we get to see another version of this? Thanks for always trying to have fun on these shows. * | Timestamp |
Joel C | reply | Reply @Joel C! Working on it! * | Timestamp |
Allen P | message | Thanks, Allen P! Bet you won't read this outloud ** | Timestamp |
Allen P | reply | Reply @Allen P! We read questions. * | Timestamp |
Nathan A | message | Thanks, Nathan A! Can we get a LTT Tie? | Timestamp |
Nathan A | reply | Reply @Nathan A! we did some designs, and decided it would never get any screen time cuz I don't wear them and no one here wears them so we said forget about it -LS * | Timestamp |
Joshua Z | message | Thanks, Joshua Z! Gotta split up my purchase so I can get all the pins!!!!!!!!! * | Timestamp |
Joshua Z | reply | Reply @Joshua Z! omg... -LS | Timestamp |
Mark D | message | Thanks, Mark D! Linus would you ever move to the states? * | Timestamp |
Russell H | message | Thanks, Russell H! Oh, and Merry Christmas, Dan, Luke Linus and everyone else at LTT/LMG/CW/FP/Labs/etc/Forgot that trying to get pin order in earlier ;) *** | Timestamp |
Russell H | reply | Reply @Russell H! merry christmas! -LS | Timestamp |
Joshua Z | message | Thanks, Joshua Z! Ok, got the philips... | Timestamp |
Joshua Z | message | Thanks, Joshua Z! Imperial hex... skipping metric 'cause I already have an extra set of ** ** | Timestamp |
Anthony D | message | Thanks, Anthony D! Loving my windbreaker & backpack combo in unseasonably rainy Chicago! Question for all - how do you handle being told you are the best for a promotion by higher ups and developed for it but passed up? | Timestamp |
Jarred B | message | Thanks, Jarred B! Hey LDL, got my first LTT hoodie. Bad news, small rip in pocket. Great news, sent photos to support. Within 1 hour had a response. Got a replcment and kept original. I can "trust you bro's" thx Mitch * | Timestamp |
Jarred B | reply | Reply @Jarred B! <3 | Timestamp |
Joshua Z | message | Thanks, Joshua Z! Hmmm... duno if my math is correct... | Timestamp |
Joshua Z | message | Thanks, Joshua Z! Oops... Almost added a screwdriver. | Timestamp |